Thursday, November 04, 2004

I Voted For John Kerry, And All I Got Was This Lousy Sticker

Thanks for letting me know how much my vote means to you.

Democrats are angry. Democrats are despairing. Why aren't we rioting in the streets? Are we lazy? Or do we actually care about others' personal property? We know that trashing our own neighborhoods won't help. But look how well the rabid republican tactics worked. Remember 2000, when they clogged the halls and beat down doors to disrupt the recount?
We need to stand up in unison and make it clear -NO MORE! America is a republic, not a theocracy. Bush needs to be impeached.
There are legal processes. We need to use them. Impeach President Bush
Write a personal letter to your Representative. If your Representative is a Republican, ask your friends in a Democratic district to write to their representative. Articles of Impeachment are all over the internet, and it's not working. Which is why we need to write personal letters. In ink. On paper. Sent with a stamp, rather than a mouse click. If enough people demand impeachment, it will happen. It worked for the republicans when they attacked Clinton. It will work for us too. Impeaching the president served to strengthen their base. The Democrats will not strengthen their base by rolling over and showing their bellies.

I still believe in America. I still believe in democracy. I believe we can win, but first we have to try to win. We must be united in a common cause.

This is my cause, and I hope you share it with me. Impeach Bush for his crimes against his people. Help me spread the message.

Write to your Representative
Ask for impeachment
Keep asking

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