Friday, September 03, 2004

Backyard Critters

So tell me again why the great outdoors has so many critters, because it can't possibly be just for my entertainment. Other people must suffer too, right?

There's a spider who spins her meal catcher at our back door. We call her big ugly. Because she's big and ugly. I say she because the females are generally larger than the males, and this critter is about the size of a nickel.
Anyway, when I went to the grocery store last night, she had already started on her web. I know it takes a lot of calories to spin a web, so I was very careful in opening the back door. I didn't want to ruin an hour's worth of work. I did my shopping and came back home, but on the way through the back yard, I somehow got a slug in my sandal. Oh My Gods, it was so gross. It was a tiny slug, and my big toe had squished it. To reiterate: it was gross. Like freakishly disgusting.
And I still had a whole yard to walk through. And a monster spider to get past. And my toe was now sticking to my sandal, as if someone had put a piece of double-sided tape there.
So, making faces of disgust, I came in the front door with my arms full of groceries and let the menfolks know that they would be retrieving the rest of the food. Because I stepped on a slug and it's squishing in my sandal.
They both burst out laughing.
Yeah, frickin' hilarious. (actually, it was pretty funny in a how-much-can-the-universe-gross-you-out sort of way)

As of this morning, Big Ugly had not removed her web. I had to break her anchor thread and let the web lift on the breeze before L would leave the house.

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