Sunday, September 26, 2004

As If We Don't Have Enough Pets Already

The hubby-man was moving some wood in the back yard and found a tiny little snake hiding under a log. Since we're clearing the yard and moving the shed, the wildlife will have nowhere to hibernate this winter. So the hubby-man brought the snake inside and put it in a cage.
He went back to moving logs, and found another snake.
So then we had a pair of garter snakes taking up temporary residence in Sinbad's transportation cage. (I take Sinbad to L's school at least once a year)
The critter collecting didn't stop there, however; I found a nice juicy green caterpillar munching on my comfrey, too. The caterpillar and the nibbled leaf went into the cage with the snakes.
I just checked on the trio of creatures, and apparantly the caterpillar found the whole confinement thing depressing. He drowned himself in the water bowl. I suppose it's better than death by digestion.

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