Monday, February 21, 2005

So I'm jobless.
A waitress who had quit returned, and really -who would you choose? Someone already trained and familiar with the menu, or a new girl? They wisely chose the old waitress.

I'm hurt that they didn't keep me. I'm angry that they asked my friend and former boss to give me the news, and I'm sad that I don't have income.

Yet I'm relieved too. I never wanted a job where I'd be on my feet for so long. While I was working (for 3 whole days) I made it a good thing. I managed to turn my mind away from the damage I'd be doing to my body, and concentrated instead on the joy of doing a job well. The day I started working, my hubby reminded me that he'd promised me I would never have to wait tables again. He made that promise after we gave our daughter up for adoption. So I'm actually relieved that I was fired.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sorry you're jobless, but I guess I am happy that it's a good thing.

achromic said...

Ah well it didn't sound like a great fit as it were with your arthritis and all. Hummmm........I'm trying to think if a single old contact of mine might have anything you can do..... If I think of something I'll send you an email.