Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Letter, Oh My God The Letter

Yesterday, L informed us the the mailman had just passed by our window, so the hubby-man said, "Hey L, why don't you check and see if there's a letter from CBC?" He's been saying this every day since Wednesday.
L checked the mail and came back with a letter addressed to him. It was from CBC. He had ripped the end off the envelope, but he wouldn't check inside. He handed it to me instead. I tried to give it back to him, saying, "Wouldn't you like to read it first?"
He plastered his hands to his sides, shook his head and said casually, "Nah." Like it was no big deal. I pretended not to notice his body language, which was totally belying his casualness, and pulled the papers out of the envelope.
The hubby-man was sitting next to me. We both saw the words at the top of the letter, and in unison we said, "Read it, L!"
My son said, "huh?". He was so scared, that he hadn't looked when I open the letter.
The first line was telling him the date of his placment test, and right beneath it, in big bold font was, "Welcome to CBC" and such.
L skimmed the first line and said, "It says test?"
The hubby-man and I said (in unison again) "No! The next line!"
L said, "Oh!" pause "OH!", and then I couldn't see anything because my eyes were filled with happy tears.

So thank you, to all of you who hoped and prayed with me. Thank you for supporting a child you've never met. Thank you for thinking of us. I really appreciate it.


She Dances in Dragon said...

I think this is ample repayment for not getting a letter from Hogwarts when L was 11. Don't you?

Optima said...

You are such great parents and L is so bright and well educated, I had no doubt. CONGRATS to you all!

achromic said...

That is the best news ever! I'm soo happy for L. he so deserve to be in the best schools (a little mumble here about it being a Xtian school). I got a smile a mile wide and I think it is wonderful. Now you need to link to what cloths he is gonna need and the sizes that you think he will be in so that we can all get together and make sure he is dressed for sucess!