Monday, February 14, 2005


The larger Zathros died today. :(
The Hubby-Man accidentally disturbed the hibernation of a pair of baby garter snakes last fall, so we brought them inside for the winter. They might have been able to survive outdoors, but they were just babies. They didn't have much fat. (yes, snakes can get fat)
The Hubby-Man felt responsible for their well-being; we had an extra cage; we made them a home indoors. We named them Zathros, since they were identical when we brought them inside. It's a Babylon 5 reference. Anyway, the aptly named Hunter (cat) found the cage with "living string" in it. He would spend hours sitting next to the cage, watching the little grey snakes go about their grey snakey business. He can't get into the cage, and the snakes can't get out, so we weren't too worried.
But today, Hunter knocked over the cage. The weighted water bowl -weighted so it doesn't tip when a snake rubs against it to shed- tipped over, crushing Zathros' little baby ribs.
It's a sad day in the Dances In Dragon house... Fortunately, it's warm today and I can bury Zathros outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And for some silly reason people don't believe when I tell them that cats are evil. I mean, I ought to know, we have four.