Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Other Things I Remember From The News
The Iran Hostages and yellow ribbons tied on trees



The Challenger: My algebra teacher usually started class with a joke. He was the master of the straight face. He entered the classroom and said very seriously, "Did you hear about the Challenger blowing up?" As a group we shouted, "No! Tell us about the Challenger blowing up!" Math class was suspended as he brought in a tv and we watched news footage and discussed the space program.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall, and knowing that my children will never understand what it meant.

Tiananmen Square

L.A. Riots, parts 1 and 2

The Rwanda Genocide -unspeakable


Oklahoma City

Bank Robbers with Armor Piercing Bullets and how they let one of the robbers just lie there, and I thought it was justice.

The 2000 Elections and Republicans beating down the doors to disrupt ballot counting, Republicans trying to incite riots, Republicans getting off scot-free, Republicans accusing Democrats of doing everything the Republicans actually did.

Vote Fraud in 2000, 2002, 2004; and The Ukrainian Elections.

Not to mention everything I've blogged about in the past several years.

1 comment:

achromic said...

And now we have a face and name to deep throat, with only some of us remembering why it mattered at all.

So much history we have seen, we live in fast times.

When I was a child I knew no understanding of D-day and it was not until 9/11 that I began to feel some of the true horror that those that stood on the shore of Hawaii must have felt. Such blue skys... I will never forget how blue the sky seemed.

And Columbine...... another act of terror. The worst of many that seemed to be a rash in mostly white suburban schools. (tho' truth be told I hear that it had been happening in poor black schools but was vastly under reported) Again blue skys .....

Sometime a child may wonder why I trust the fog more.