Thursday, April 28, 2005

So The Teenager
The phone rang as L was getting ready for school. It was Amylinn, calling to see if I had plans for the day. She wanted to go window shopping and show off her new car.
"Woo Hoo!" I thought, "I get to see my friend!"
So we went shopping. Because, you know that window shopping always results in bringing home something. I brought home chocolate.

We went to Starbucks, and she bought me a toffee nut latte with organic milk. Yum. Then we drove all around the Arnold Mega Multi Strip Mall. Words cannot describe how disgustingly overbuilt this place was. They had like 12 anchor stores. Herds of SUV's roamed the asphalt prairie, while suburban mothers browsed one store or another.

The two of us decided to window shop in Gordmans. I had been there before, but all I could remember was that I liked the place.
Yeah, I still like Gordmans. Everything is affordable, and the patrons are quiet, the employees are unobtrusive -yet visible, in case you need help, and they carry everything you could ever want to decorate your home. They also sell clothes.
Needless to say, we spent hours browsing Gordmans. It was lots of fun.

After endless shopping, Amylinn drove me (and my chocolate) home. I turned right around and headed off to pick L up from school. When he came out, he looked kind of grumpy. He opened the door and dropped his backpack into the truck while saying, "You are so in trouble."
I looked at him and said, "Uh?" I was baffled.
He exclaimed, "I was sick today! They would have sent me home, except you didn't answer the phone! Not any of the FIVE times I called!"
And then he gave me the "I'm very disappointed in you" look.
It was really funny, but I'm a good mom, so I didn't laugh. Instead, I said, "Oh, honey. I was out all day. I wasn't home. ...Why didn't you call your dad's cell phone?"

He'd forgotten the number. And he was so full of angst, that it didn't occur to him to ask Mrs. W to look it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol - well, that's hardly YOUR fault, is it?