Friday, April 15, 2005

A Pagan Eye For Confirmation
Where to begin this story? Hmmm. It started with a secret. L's grandma bought a plane ticket so that she could fly in and see L get confirmed. She bought it back in October. And then the school changed the date. We e-mailed the new day to grandma, and they changed it again. And again. Eventually, they wound up with the same date they started with.
What with all the date changes, we thought my MIL wouldn't be able to come. Except that she was coming. I knew, and my mom knew. Neither of us told a soul.
Thus hubby and son were pleasantly surprised to see her. Yay!

Before the ceremony, my MIL and the hubby-man chatted happily while I sat and worried. Because I know Catholics, and this was a rite of passage ceremony. The number of candles in use was enough to tell me we'd be celebrating high mass. Which meant incense. And my mother-in-law is allergic to incense. She's also allergic to pets, smoke, flowers... anything that throws off scent. I worried that she would sit there politely, with a smile on her face, until she fell into an asthmatic fit.
Eventually, I broke into their conversation, and warned her about the incense factor. She said she was expecting it, and had taken her meds before hand. (whew!)

Then the ceremony began...

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