Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Gotta Have Faith
To make a potentially long explanation short(er, I'm re-reading some old science fiction that made mention of Thomas Huxley. So I looked the guy up. This self-proclaimed "Darwin's Bulldog" wrote some very interesting stuff back during the Victorian age.

Victorian writing is a little bit difficult. I need to pause over some of it in order to translate the wording to modern American speak. Which is entertaining, but time consuming. Anyway, one of Huxley's articles discusses heaven vs. the heavens, and other things. I don't really know what else the essay says, because I stopped reading it. The mention of "heaven" got me to thinking.

I don't believe I will go to heaven when (If?) I die. I don't believe I'll go to hell, either. I believe that I'll go somewhere for a while, and then I'll be reincarnated.

I have no reason to believe this, but I believe it nonetheless. I believe just as firmly that some people do go to heaven. Complete with angels and the throne of God.
I find staying there for all eternity unimaginable. It's something I just can't wrap my mind around. At most I can picture a ball of energy -the soul of a person, if you will- carrying a lifetime of experiences to a larger ball of energy, and merging with it. Then I picture that energy leaving the greater mass to experience something else.
Well, part of that energy anyway. I think "we" drop off certain bits, and pick up new bits... Or something...

I guess that's the point of faith. You believe it as truth even when you can't explain it.

I think it's hilarious that we all believe something different, and each of us is absolutely right. I have faith in it.

1 comment:

achromic said...

I sometimes feel abpsolty sure about what will happen when I die... and then two minutes later I feel unsure. I don't believe in Xtianty at all... not even a little tiny bit of it. Not from Noah to Jesus. At most I think they might be mangled stories much like the Illaid is a mangled story of something that sort of happened. But on the other hand I've seen too much of stuff..... things..... to think there is nothing after this.