Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Today I attempted to clean house. I say attempted because I've been lazy since L started school, only doing the minimum picking up required to let me sleep at night. I swept all the acorn shells off the front porch. Thank you so much you damn squirrels for littering up my steps! (Did you know there are about 4,690 images of acorns on the net? You do now!) I wonder if the tannin in the acorns turns their little rodent tongues yellow?

While I was out there, I swept the cobwebs off the soffits and light fixture. I then debated whether to wash the windows or not. I decided I could live with them dirty, and cleaned the TV instead. I removed all the fingerprints from all the doors in the house. I dusted, emptied the trash, and picked up way too many used Kleenex that had missed the trash cans. I also ditched 2 weeks worth of junk mail.

Thankfully, the phone rang and I was rescued from my own analness. Persephone needed a ride home from the hospital, and I jumped at the chance for good conversation! Pray for her, she's going under the knife again on Thursday or Friday.

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