Sunday, September 14, 2003

Counting Blessings

Today I left the house at 12:15 to pick up some tables and chairs. Ah, the blessings of owning a truck.
I loaded tables and chairs that belonged to my sister, and drove them to Carondelet Park. Ah, the blessings of owning spares.
I waited at the park for my cousin to show up. Today was her youngest son's birthday, and he was having a party. Ah, the blessings of family.
An uncle showed up, followed by my brother-in-law. They helped me unload the truck and I stood under a tree and watched them set everything up. I wandered off to greet more arriving relatives. Ah, the blessings of laziness.
Everyone except the guest of honor and his immediate family was there, and we commenced to eating fried chicken and talking with our mouths full. Ah, the blessings of hunger.
My cousin arrives with her 3 children, and I break out the face paint. I even had a board with images I was willing to paint. Several people asked me where else I did face painting. I replied, "Nowhere. I'm family, and this is my gift to them." Most of my questioners couldn't seem to grasp that I was not a professional face painter. It seemed a foriegn concept that I might want to do this for no reward other than the joy of getting a new skill under my belt. Ah, the blessings of talent.
I thought the celebration would last about 2 hours. I gave up and left around 5:30 pm. I spent 5 hours with my family and I'm still sane. I don't even have a headache. I think it's because I brought my MP3 player along. Ah, the blessings of music.

Todays math lesson: 1 sister with a truck +1 sister with tables and chairs = a long and interesting day

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