Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bad Meat

I have a pretty hardy constitution. After all, my mother consistently and thoroughly poisoned my sister and I as children by giving us expired milk, expired canned food, expired everything... She wasn't being mean, and she wasn't crazy. She was feeding us what was available. If bread had mold, you cut off the mold and ate whatever wasn't blue; etc.
As a result, I can eat a lot of things that would make the average American sick. I won't go into detail here, but trust me... Anyway...

Tonight I bit into a chicken wing from a famous fried chicken place and unfortunately swallowed before I could spit it out.

If you've ever left poultry out for too long, then cooked it; but maybe not quite thoroughly enough, then left it under a lukewarm heat lamp for longer than you should, then tasted it... you would know the taste of which I speak.

And because my mom fed us so much expired stuff, I don't vomit very easily. So I thought I would need to sit and wait to see if the immunity my mom gave me as a child is still in effect.

But then my wonderous hubby-man reminded me: I still have antibiotics for pre-dental work! Woo! So I swallowed them, and I hope they'll kill off the truly nasty bacteria colony I swallowed.

*UPDATE* Either the antibiotics or my own constitution -or both, did the trick. No digestion problems at all. :D
Thanks mom!


Roberta S said...

I have that same immunity. Mother was staunchly against alcoholic beverages of any kind but refused to waste food. She wouldn't even throw out raspberries and other fruit that was probably fermented past 40%. "Skim off the mold," she'd say,"then eat it up." The only stuff that we weren't forced to eat was the stuff that blew up in the cellar. And without a fridge, I expect some of meat and chicken was less than fresh, but even at that it could never come close to the rankness of stuff I've been served at fast food outlets. Makes one wonder how food can be recycled until it gets that bad. You and I both know, it's not that we're picky. We have immunity and probably cast-iron stomachs, but our taste buds still work. There's the pinch.

She Dances in Dragon said...

Roberta, I am in awe of you. :) You describe things in a much more pleasant way, but still get the same idea across. And Oh, the fermented fruit! To this day, fresh cantaloupe makes the roof of my mouth swell and itch, but overly ripe cantaloupe doesn't.

amylynn said...

Roberta mentioned fast food outlets. I watched the first 45 minutes of Super Size Me the moment our Charter services were restored, and I thought I would have to open the slack in my pants just to barf into them becasue I wouldn't make it to the half bath in time. I still need to watch the rest, but thought I'd share a partial review anyway!