Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Work For You!
Sigh. I did not get the job. The other applicants were more qualified, typed faster, had better resume's, etc. And I'm crying at my computer because I really need a job and it's so hard to even get consideration because I've been a stay-home mom for 15 years.

I'm sad.


Marie said...

Hope you don't think this is spam. . .just thought you might want to look into Watkins as a home based business, even if you still look for a "regular job." If you do want to investigate it, go to (enter code MR6296). That's my site. Maybe it would work out for you. . .

Roberta S said...

Dancing in Dragon, so sorry to hear you didn’t get the job. It’s a long shot but I want to tell you how I got back to work after a 12-year absence. For 2 years, I couldn’t even get an interview. So I went to a business college and asked to see a Counselor (like counselor – big helpful, interested,understanding). We discussed a 2-year Admin-Sec Course and the counselor offered to give me an evaluation test. That’s what I was waiting to hear. I wrote it. He marked it. He told me I did very well. I asked him to elaborate on the scoring and what it meant. He was extremely positive. I now talked about counselors. The importance of his role in curing student anxiety. Helping discouraged ones, Blah, blah, blah.
But during all this I had no intention of giving up another two years of my life to take courses but I never let on. At the end of our discussion I let him know why I was really there. “I don’t want to enroll. I want you to write what you have just said and sign your name so I can use it for a job reference.” He was appalled. He told me that was not his job and he had no intention of doing that.
But I refused to leave until he did. I reminded him of the helpful role that counseling stands for and in the end he wrote the note and signed it. I stapled copies to my resume and within two weeks, I got two job offers.
Not sure if all Colleges do these kind of entry tests but I was sure glad this one did.

achromic said...

Er ok this is gonna sound crazy but what about taking an infant CPR and going to work as a nanny? They always need them in UC. I would contant the Jewish Family center and see if they still do the course for nannies it was SOOO great it was like 9 class if and it included the CPR and then you got on a list that they gave to parents .... and BAM interviews.... and since you have been a mom .... well I would think you could find an age group you would really like. And it is usually something you can choose to do part time OR full time. money is usually about 150$ or more many times with a portion of that under the table or a tip under the table. Think about it. Kids are fun. What you do need is a clean record and refrances...... donno if you have the clean record.

Your Style Muse said...

It is so hard to find work, and I really can empathize with the frustration and flat out desperation it sounds like you might be feeling. I've been there, too!

One thing that ended up working very well for me was listing myself with ALL the temporary agencies in my area. This ended up getting me "expert" level computer skills, since the agencies all use the same screening test and you can pretty much remember the answers from one to the next. I also ended up with some really cool assignments, including one that lasted for about 2 years and another through a differnt agency at a different time that ended up becoming my fulltime permanent position, and later segued into consulting and independent work.

When applying at agencies, remember a few things: They do tend to see all of us as commodities - so don't take that part personally. Also, They have a vested interest in keeping your relationship with the contracting employer fairly distant, as they like to be the go-between on everything. Ignore that part and just be yourself and conduct yourself at your temp job the same way you would at a permanent placement.

Anyway, it can be a good way to get your foot in the door, even on short term assignments. And it all ends up on your resume and proves that you are currently employable, thus making that permanent position easier to secure.

BTW - I detected no self pity in your post. At all. Rock on, sister.