Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I owe someone an apology, but I don't know who. So here it is:

To the person in the expensive navy blue car on the 55/270 interchange at 7:15 am this morning; I'm sorry.

You couldn't possibly have known that my turn signal meant that I wanted to move over a lane, even though the lane I was in ended in a quarter of a mile. You couldn't possibly have understood how mass + speed = velocity; otherwise you wouldn't have jumped into the car-lengths I was leaving for the 18 wheeled tractor trailer in the lane I was signalling for.

But really, I don't know why you then sped up enough to sit in my blind spot. That was just dumb. If you had been driving an economy car, I wouldn't have seen you at all. Fortunately for you, I could see 25% of your mid-sized sedan grill in my mirror.

As for why you cut across 3 lanes of traffic without using your turn signal, causing the cars you were cutting off to slam on their brakes ... I assume you were trying to get away from me.

Which leads to my apology. I'm sorry I was an ass. I'm sorry for planting my driver's side wheels directly on the yellow lane stripes and putting less than a foot between our respective vehicles. It was wrong of me to use my truck as an intimidation tool. Just because I *have* power, doesn't mean I should use it.

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