Thursday, October 07, 2004

An Interesting Conversation

Mom has been calling a lot recently. I'm not sure why, because I've been pushing her buttons since August. I'm terribly conflicted about something she did in August. Something I find so unethical... but that's a different story. Suffice it to say, since she did that thing, the gloves are off. I've been using everything she herself taught me to remind her that she once was a decent, reasonable, humane person. I've been making very little headway. But last night, I got her to think for a minute.(obviously, I'm pissed about something, but I don't want to talk about it here.)

It started with this question from me:
"I want to ask you a question, mom. I've heard it floating around for a while, and I know there's no real answer, but I want to ask anyway, ok?"
"Ok," She says.
"Ok." Says I. "So you know Bush is pro-life, right? To the point of banning new stem cell lines, etc... And you know Bush is pro-war. He attacked Afghanistan to wipe out Al-Qaida, then he attacked Iraq, and he's got other countries lined up... you can check it all over the internet. I mean real sources, not just bloggers stating their opinions"
I did a bad thing, there. She'll never check the internet, or even her local paper. Finding "proof" of that sort is not easy. There are very, very few reputable sources. So I scammed her. My bad. But then I went on...
"So knowing that... How can someone be pro-life, and pro-war at the same time?"
I had her where I wanted her, -tackling a puzzle. Mom can't resist a puzzle, muahaha. See, mom won't vote for Kerry because he's Catholic, yet he votes pro-choice. I have pointed out time and again that as a Representative, it's his job to vote the way the majority of his constituents want him to vote. Mom's one reason for voting Bush is that he's pro-life.
She worked her way through my philosophical question and concluded that he is not pro-life, he is simply anti-abortion. Score!
The subject was changed, and she started telling me about a booklet she'd found at Grandma's place. It was an explanation of the beliefs of Jehova's Witnesses. She was all outraged over their beliefs. Which led, in a roundabout way, to discussing her son-in-law. The Jewish one, not my Discordian Hubby.
Her son-in-law does not want his children to receive religious gifts. No angels or crosses, thank you. No praying teddy bears or books about Jesus. That's his right, and it drives mom crazy. She offered him a deal. She said, "I'll read your book, if you read mine."
She's all upset because her Jewish son-in-law will talk respectfully with her about Jesus, but won't call him "Christ". (sigh) So I explained it to her. In very simple terms. If I'm inaccurate, please leave a comment correcting me. I would hate to spread disinformation about a religion; and I admit I know little about Judaism. I told her that the Jews believe Jesus was a prophet. They do not believe he was the Messiah. Because he died. He didn't do what their teachings said their Messiah would do.
She didn't get it.
I told her they don't believe in heaven or hell -as a place to go when you die. They believe they are here to glorify God. Their lives are a gift from God. And when they die, that's it. It's why they bury without embalming. Why all parts, including their blood, goes into the earth. (I don't know their views on cremation) "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and all that. Their body is God's body.
She kind of got it.
I remembered a thing from my childhood, and said, "You say it every week in Church, mom. 'Dying you destroyed our death'..."
"Ahhhh." She said. "I get it! I understand!"
It was a good moment. And it opened the way for me to ask the question I'd wanted to ask in the beginning. "Why are you here?"
She said, "To glorify God."
"Ok," says I, "A soul can glorify God. Why do you have a physical body?"
Finally, she replied, "I never really thought about it."
I offered, "God gave you a body for a reason. What was it?"
"Well... God made us in His own image..." She began. "And he gave us a soul, and power over the earth."
Which led me to, "Right... But why a physical body. What is it's purpose? Why not just keep us all in heaven?"
I continued, "I have thought about it. I think a physical body, and all the hardships that come with it is a gift. I think a soul, a pure soul can't experience the things a body can. Like a scraped knee, hurt feelings, mom hugs, or childbirth. I think it's a gift."

I'm not out to change my mom's religion. I want to give her a deeper faith, if anything. I want her to snap out of the fearful obedience she's had since September, 2001. I want her to believe again. And I want her, for my own selfish reasons, to see people with the compassion she once had. I want her to let go of her hate and fear and blame. These things put her farther from God, not nearer.
She could worship a pile of toenail clippings, for all I care; as long as it fulfills her. Fulfilled people are happy people. Happy people don't spread hate.

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