Wednesday, October 27, 2004

And The Home Rule Kicker presented to you when you're numb from reading all the other ones...

The board of aldermen amendment (snort)reduces the number of aldermen to 15, and allows them to select their own president of the board of aldermen. The president of the board of aldermen becomes mayor, in the event that the current mayor can't serve out his/her term. That's why we currently vote in the president of the board of aldermen.

Home Rule says, "• Makes the Board of Aldermen a stronger body that will have the power and authority to be a true check and balance on the mayor’s office: the role of individual aldermen will be strengthened by a reduction in their number" St. Louis' neighborhoods are very secular. They have individual needs, which is why we have so many aldermen. Also, shrinking the aldermen will eliminate the need for redistricting. If we have less aldermen we won't have to worry about that heinous black vote anymore. Sorry, Home Rule. I like that everyone's vote counts. I'll keep our aldermanic count as it is, and ensure that all St. Louisans get representation.

• Streamlines the board by gradually reducing the number of wards to 15 between 2013 and 2015: only New York and Chicago have more aldermen than St. Louis So?

• Allows the President of the Board to be elected from the ranks of the Board, like the Speaker of the House in Washington, or the State House in Jefferson City But the speaker of the house is not next in line for the presidency. Our president of the board IS next in line for the office of the mayor.

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