Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Even More Home Rule

The city office reorganization amendment makes 7 elected officials non-elected officials. Thanks, I like to vote. It lumps them all together in one department and creates a new job -a head of the department. More of my tax dollars paying an unnecessary salary. Where is all this money going to come from?

Home Rule says, "? Reduces red tape at City Hall: large segments of city government will finally be streamlined to allow for the creation of more ?one stop? transactions for residents and businesses" We can streamline things without altering our charter

"? Protects current city employees by making them non-political Civil Service workers with the same benefits, retirement and seniority: no city hall workers will lose their jobs as a result of Amendment C" We can protect them without altering our charter

"? Creates the position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to oversee the day-to-day operations of all city departments: the CAO must meet strict employment requirements and be approved by the Board of Aldermen" My tax dollars at work, what about my vote?

"? Requires the mayor and CAO to hire a Recorder of Deeds, Collector of Revenue and Treasurer as members of the Department of Finance, and holds them accountable for their job performance" Oh, there's my vote! Wait... I won't have that anymore...

"? Requires the judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit to hire a Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Public Administrator: they will serve as the administrative branch of the state?s busiest court system, and will be directly accountable for their performance to the judges who require their services" I have no problem with this little bit. It should be on our next ballot

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