Happy Halloween
Overheard tonight: "Right. I'm supposed to be tackboy now."
Said by my son, directed to Persephone's eldest daughter. My ears did a double take before it sunk in that he was handing her thumb tacks to put up Halloween decorations.
I've been getting a lot of hits about the alphabet amendments (A,B,C,D) so I'm trying not to post until after the election. I don't want the links and commentary to scroll too far down the page. To those of you who are looking for info on A B C and D, thank you for coming! Thank you for caring! Thank you for voting!
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Cardinals Fans
When we were winning, we cheered.
When we were losing, we cheered harder.
We support our team through it all.
And when the Red Sox swept us
we were sad. And we were happy for the Sox.
There was no rioting, no fights, no bitterness.
That's why Cardinals fans are the best fans in the world.
When we were winning, we cheered.
When we were losing, we cheered harder.
We support our team through it all.
And when the Red Sox swept us
we were sad. And we were happy for the Sox.
There was no rioting, no fights, no bitterness.
That's why Cardinals fans are the best fans in the world.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
More On Home Rule
They've put up yet another website promoting their amendments. Only, now they're calling them propositions. In St. Louis voting, propositions are for issuing bonds, or increasing funding for parks. Proposed changes to the city charter are called amendments. Why the fan dance? What does Home Rule have to hide?
Well, let's see...
Replacing the comptroller with a "director of finance" (hired by the mayor), but letting us still elect a comptroller -who's new job will be to keep a register of all delinquent and special tax bills until the bills are paid. Nice way to bleed all the power out of the office, while snookering St. Louisans into thinking they have some choice about our city's finances.
Home Rule says "Professionals will be managing your tax dollars: gives the aldermen a professional staff to analyze the budget" Analizing the budget is one of the things we elect our aldermen to do. They're qualified to do it themselves. They don't need a 'professional' (i.e. paid with our tax dollars)staff
"• An independently elected comptroller will be a true government watchdog: gives the comptroller the power to conduct both fiscal and performance audits of all city departments, like the State Auditor does now" Pure fiction. He can watch, but that's about it.
"• Requests for development assistance will be reviewed by the comptroller: the comptroller will review and comment on the financial documents of all projects greater than $500,000 seeking tax incentives" Review and comment?
"• Citizens can hold ONE person responsible when things don’t work: every major city financial decision is the result of a deal struck by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Eliminating the Board allows the mayor to run city government out in the open with no excuses when things don’t work." We can hold one person responsible, but we can't fire him or her. The board of E&A is made up of 3 elected officials. WE choose them to provide checks and balances to our city's finances. Why give up that power?
They've put up yet another website promoting their amendments. Only, now they're calling them propositions. In St. Louis voting, propositions are for issuing bonds, or increasing funding for parks. Proposed changes to the city charter are called amendments. Why the fan dance? What does Home Rule have to hide?
Well, let's see...
Replacing the comptroller with a "director of finance" (hired by the mayor), but letting us still elect a comptroller -who's new job will be to keep a register of all delinquent and special tax bills until the bills are paid. Nice way to bleed all the power out of the office, while snookering St. Louisans into thinking they have some choice about our city's finances.
Home Rule says "Professionals will be managing your tax dollars: gives the aldermen a professional staff to analyze the budget" Analizing the budget is one of the things we elect our aldermen to do. They're qualified to do it themselves. They don't need a 'professional' (i.e. paid with our tax dollars)staff
"• An independently elected comptroller will be a true government watchdog: gives the comptroller the power to conduct both fiscal and performance audits of all city departments, like the State Auditor does now" Pure fiction. He can watch, but that's about it.
"• Requests for development assistance will be reviewed by the comptroller: the comptroller will review and comment on the financial documents of all projects greater than $500,000 seeking tax incentives" Review and comment?
"• Citizens can hold ONE person responsible when things don’t work: every major city financial decision is the result of a deal struck by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Eliminating the Board allows the mayor to run city government out in the open with no excuses when things don’t work." We can hold one person responsible, but we can't fire him or her. The board of E&A is made up of 3 elected officials. WE choose them to provide checks and balances to our city's finances. Why give up that power?
Even More Home Rule
The city office reorganization amendment makes 7 elected officials non-elected officials. Thanks, I like to vote. It lumps them all together in one department and creates a new job -a head of the department. More of my tax dollars paying an unnecessary salary. Where is all this money going to come from?
Home Rule says, "? Reduces red tape at City Hall: large segments of city government will finally be streamlined to allow for the creation of more ?one stop? transactions for residents and businesses" We can streamline things without altering our charter
"? Protects current city employees by making them non-political Civil Service workers with the same benefits, retirement and seniority: no city hall workers will lose their jobs as a result of Amendment C" We can protect them without altering our charter
"? Creates the position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to oversee the day-to-day operations of all city departments: the CAO must meet strict employment requirements and be approved by the Board of Aldermen" My tax dollars at work, what about my vote?
"? Requires the mayor and CAO to hire a Recorder of Deeds, Collector of Revenue and Treasurer as members of the Department of Finance, and holds them accountable for their job performance" Oh, there's my vote! Wait... I won't have that anymore...
"? Requires the judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit to hire a Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Public Administrator: they will serve as the administrative branch of the state?s busiest court system, and will be directly accountable for their performance to the judges who require their services" I have no problem with this little bit. It should be on our next ballot
The city office reorganization amendment makes 7 elected officials non-elected officials. Thanks, I like to vote. It lumps them all together in one department and creates a new job -a head of the department. More of my tax dollars paying an unnecessary salary. Where is all this money going to come from?
Home Rule says, "? Reduces red tape at City Hall: large segments of city government will finally be streamlined to allow for the creation of more ?one stop? transactions for residents and businesses" We can streamline things without altering our charter
"? Protects current city employees by making them non-political Civil Service workers with the same benefits, retirement and seniority: no city hall workers will lose their jobs as a result of Amendment C" We can protect them without altering our charter
"? Creates the position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to oversee the day-to-day operations of all city departments: the CAO must meet strict employment requirements and be approved by the Board of Aldermen" My tax dollars at work, what about my vote?
"? Requires the mayor and CAO to hire a Recorder of Deeds, Collector of Revenue and Treasurer as members of the Department of Finance, and holds them accountable for their job performance" Oh, there's my vote! Wait... I won't have that anymore...
"? Requires the judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit to hire a Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Public Administrator: they will serve as the administrative branch of the state?s busiest court system, and will be directly accountable for their performance to the judges who require their services" I have no problem with this little bit. It should be on our next ballot
Yet more Home Rule
The civil service amendment is a fuzzy bit of legaleze that appears to say nothing. It actually opens the door to alter out city charter further. You see, first Home Rule passed a measure to "let us" change our city without asking all of Missouri to get involved. Now they're pushing changes that put most of the power in the hands of the mayor. Now think about the mayors we've had over the years... Would you want to give them 80% control over the city? I wouldn't.
Home Rule says it "• Creates a more effective and more modern public sector workforce to serve residents better" But doesn't say how
"• Allows the Civil Service Commission to recommend changes of personnel policy to the Board of Aldermen, who will act as the people’s representatives, and save the cost of a municipal election" Letting a non-elected comission represent us? I think not!
The civil service amendment is a fuzzy bit of legaleze that appears to say nothing. It actually opens the door to alter out city charter further. You see, first Home Rule passed a measure to "let us" change our city without asking all of Missouri to get involved. Now they're pushing changes that put most of the power in the hands of the mayor. Now think about the mayors we've had over the years... Would you want to give them 80% control over the city? I wouldn't.
Home Rule says it "• Creates a more effective and more modern public sector workforce to serve residents better" But doesn't say how
"• Allows the Civil Service Commission to recommend changes of personnel policy to the Board of Aldermen, who will act as the people’s representatives, and save the cost of a municipal election" Letting a non-elected comission represent us? I think not!
And The Home Rule Kicker presented to you when you're numb from reading all the other ones...
The board of aldermen amendment (snort)reduces the number of aldermen to 15, and allows them to select their own president of the board of aldermen. The president of the board of aldermen becomes mayor, in the event that the current mayor can't serve out his/her term. That's why we currently vote in the president of the board of aldermen.
Home Rule says, "• Makes the Board of Aldermen a stronger body that will have the power and authority to be a true check and balance on the mayor’s office: the role of individual aldermen will be strengthened by a reduction in their number" St. Louis' neighborhoods are very secular. They have individual needs, which is why we have so many aldermen. Also, shrinking the aldermen will eliminate the need for redistricting. If we have less aldermen we won't have to worry about that heinous black vote anymore. Sorry, Home Rule. I like that everyone's vote counts. I'll keep our aldermanic count as it is, and ensure that all St. Louisans get representation.
• Streamlines the board by gradually reducing the number of wards to 15 between 2013 and 2015: only New York and Chicago have more aldermen than St. Louis So?
• Allows the President of the Board to be elected from the ranks of the Board, like the Speaker of the House in Washington, or the State House in Jefferson City But the speaker of the house is not next in line for the presidency. Our president of the board IS next in line for the office of the mayor.
The board of aldermen amendment (snort)reduces the number of aldermen to 15, and allows them to select their own president of the board of aldermen. The president of the board of aldermen becomes mayor, in the event that the current mayor can't serve out his/her term. That's why we currently vote in the president of the board of aldermen.
Home Rule says, "• Makes the Board of Aldermen a stronger body that will have the power and authority to be a true check and balance on the mayor’s office: the role of individual aldermen will be strengthened by a reduction in their number" St. Louis' neighborhoods are very secular. They have individual needs, which is why we have so many aldermen. Also, shrinking the aldermen will eliminate the need for redistricting. If we have less aldermen we won't have to worry about that heinous black vote anymore. Sorry, Home Rule. I like that everyone's vote counts. I'll keep our aldermanic count as it is, and ensure that all St. Louisans get representation.
• Streamlines the board by gradually reducing the number of wards to 15 between 2013 and 2015: only New York and Chicago have more aldermen than St. Louis So?
• Allows the President of the Board to be elected from the ranks of the Board, like the Speaker of the House in Washington, or the State House in Jefferson City But the speaker of the house is not next in line for the presidency. Our president of the board IS next in line for the office of the mayor.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Thank You Universe
Sarah has been selling my shea butter with comfrey and lavender at Soulard Market. Last weekend, a couple stopped at the table and the wife dabbed a bit on her arthritic hands. They walked away, and then they turned around and came back; because her hands had stopped hurting. They bought a tub and came to my website. This savvy couple researched comfrey (they were already familiar with shea butter -like I said, savvy)and this week they contacted me. (woot) They would like to mass distribute my comfrey oil! They bought all my stock! (ok, so it was only 5 bottles, but it was my entire stock. I am so excited. Words don't describe the uplifted, hopeful feeling I have right now. Ever since I started working with comfrey, I've thought it should be in every medicine cabinet. It's not a miracle cure, but by god it's a help.
It has never been my intention to get rich selling an herbal ointment. My goals are a lot simpler. I'd like to help pay for L's schooling, and if I make a lot of money, I'd like to fund some studies on comfrey and/or arthritis. I'd like to find out what it is in comfrey that causes the pain relief. I'd like to see a cure for arthritis in my lifetime. A real cure, even if that puts The Earth's Cauldron out of business. Would I trade my small business for a cure? You bet I would. In a second. I don't even need to think about that one.
So I'm hope filled.
I discussed pricing with the couple that want to distribute my oil. We are on the same page. Senior citizens generally have a fixed income, and it's never enough. If you charge too little, people won't use it. If you charge too much, those with the greatest need can't afford it. We both agree, make it affordable.
Now the only problem is the plastic containers. I do use a plastic that is easily recyclable, and it has some recycled plastic mixed in. But I'd like to do better. Glass roll on bottles aren't practical for the consumer. They don't come in the right size, they're heavier to ship, and they're breakable. (sigh) One step at a time, I guess.
Also, I bought a gallon of extra virgin olive oil yesterday and ordered 30 more roll-ons from Camden Grey. I so highly recommend them for manufacturers. They are truly great people.
Sarah has been selling my shea butter with comfrey and lavender at Soulard Market. Last weekend, a couple stopped at the table and the wife dabbed a bit on her arthritic hands. They walked away, and then they turned around and came back; because her hands had stopped hurting. They bought a tub and came to my website. This savvy couple researched comfrey (they were already familiar with shea butter -like I said, savvy)and this week they contacted me. (woot) They would like to mass distribute my comfrey oil! They bought all my stock! (ok, so it was only 5 bottles, but it was my entire stock. I am so excited. Words don't describe the uplifted, hopeful feeling I have right now. Ever since I started working with comfrey, I've thought it should be in every medicine cabinet. It's not a miracle cure, but by god it's a help.
It has never been my intention to get rich selling an herbal ointment. My goals are a lot simpler. I'd like to help pay for L's schooling, and if I make a lot of money, I'd like to fund some studies on comfrey and/or arthritis. I'd like to find out what it is in comfrey that causes the pain relief. I'd like to see a cure for arthritis in my lifetime. A real cure, even if that puts The Earth's Cauldron out of business. Would I trade my small business for a cure? You bet I would. In a second. I don't even need to think about that one.
So I'm hope filled.
I discussed pricing with the couple that want to distribute my oil. We are on the same page. Senior citizens generally have a fixed income, and it's never enough. If you charge too little, people won't use it. If you charge too much, those with the greatest need can't afford it. We both agree, make it affordable.
Now the only problem is the plastic containers. I do use a plastic that is easily recyclable, and it has some recycled plastic mixed in. But I'd like to do better. Glass roll on bottles aren't practical for the consumer. They don't come in the right size, they're heavier to ship, and they're breakable. (sigh) One step at a time, I guess.
Also, I bought a gallon of extra virgin olive oil yesterday and ordered 30 more roll-ons from Camden Grey. I so highly recommend them for manufacturers. They are truly great people.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I'm Back!
Wow did a week without internet suck. No neopets games, no blogging, no news, and no reading blogs about how much the Cardinals rock. (sigh) I missed it all.
However... I did get the house clean. And I got farther on L's costume. And I made a pretty picture.
Some guy came to my door last week, polling for John Kerry. He offered me a yard sign. I told him I would love a Kerry yard sign! I haven't heard from him since. I wonder if I'll ever get my sign? I mean, I have this wonderful 30 ft. hill to display it on and everything. It's an ideal location! I want a yard sign. I kind of suspect he was working for the other side, and that I'll never get it.
Wow did a week without internet suck. No neopets games, no blogging, no news, and no reading blogs about how much the Cardinals rock. (sigh) I missed it all.
However... I did get the house clean. And I got farther on L's costume. And I made a pretty picture.

Some guy came to my door last week, polling for John Kerry. He offered me a yard sign. I told him I would love a Kerry yard sign! I haven't heard from him since. I wonder if I'll ever get my sign? I mean, I have this wonderful 30 ft. hill to display it on and everything. It's an ideal location! I want a yard sign. I kind of suspect he was working for the other side, and that I'll never get it.
Friday, October 15, 2004
The Stealth Amendments or how Home Rule wants to screw us
Every day I drive my son to school, I pass signs reading "NO on amendments A B C D"
I see them in yards with Bush signs, and I see them in yards with Kerry signs. I see them in yards where it is the only sign. I went to the St. Louis ballot measures site, and they had nothing. So I searched the Post Dispatch Online. They had a lot of opinion, and several articles with a one paragraph description of the amendments; but not the actual amendments -or even their legal summary. I've been looking all week (when I should be out job hunting) and FINALLY, I found it. Kudos to The Arch City Chronicle for listing these very bad amendments.
Citizens for Home Rule, aka Advance St. Louis, aka Empower St. Louis, wants broad sweeping changes made to the St. Louis City charter. A few (a very few) of the proposed changes are a good idea. Unfortunately, they're blanketed with bad ideas.
When you go to the polls in November, here's what you'll see:
(Board of Aldermen Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended in accordance with the Board of Aldermen Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment restructures the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis as a body of fifteen Aldermen representing fifteen wards, provides for the Board of Aldermen to select its President from its membership, provides for a transition schedule to implement the restructuring, and other related matters, all as set forth in the ?Board of Aldermen Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(City Finance Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended to restructure the finance offices and functions of the City of St. Louis in accordance with the City Finance Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment restructures the finance offices and functions of the City of St. Louis by providing for financial and performance audits and budget review by an elected independent office of Comptroller, providing for professional budget staff for the Board of Aldermen and authorizing the Board of Aldermen to adjust budget line items, establishing the Director of Finance as head of the Finance Department and of the Budget Division and outlining the powers and duties of the Director of Finance, and other related matters, all as set forth in the ?City Finance Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(Civil Service Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended in accordance with the Civil Service Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment adds one new section to Article XVIII of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, pertaining to Civil Service, which allows for further amendment of Article XVIII by ordinances recommended by the Civil Service Commission of the City of St. Louis and approved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis. The amendment excepts the following sections of Article XVIII from the process of amendment by ordinance: Section 6, captioned ?Civil service commission,? Section 7, captioned ?Commission powers and duties,? Section 17, captioned ?Political assessments and contributions,? Section 18, captioned ?Promises of official influence to affect political action,? Section 19, captioned ?Political activity of classified employees,? Section 22, captioned ?Penalties for violation,? Section 27, captioned ?Partial invalidity of provisions,? and Section 31, captioned ?Fire department.? The procedures for amendment to Article XVIII by ordinance will be an alternative to any other procedures for charter amendment or revision provided by the constitution and laws of the state of Missouri or by other provisions of the Charter of the City of St. Louis. The proposed amendment also addresses other related matters as set forth in the ?Civil Service Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(City Office Reorganization Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended to reorganize certain city offices in accordance with the City Office Reorganization Ordinance?
This amendment adds a new Article XXVI to the Charter of the City of St. Louis to incorporate into said Charter the present offices of Recorder of Deeds, Collector of Revenue, License Collector, Treasurer, Circuit Clerk, Public Administrator, and Sheriff, and reorganizes the number, kinds, manner of selection, terms salaries, powers, duties and functions of said offices, provides for a chief administrative officer to supervise, administer, and report to the mayor on the operations of said reorganized offices and other city offices, provides opportunity for the present staff of the offices proposed for reorganization to become employees of the City of St. Louis, with their individual seniority and compensation unaffected, provides and for the effective dates of such changes upon the expiration of the terms of office of the current holders of the offices proposed for reorganization. The proposed amendment also addresses other related matters as set forth in the ?City Office Reorganization Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
What it all means:
1. The Board of Aldermen Amendment drops 10 Aldermen and takes away our vote for aldermanic President. Right now, we vote citywide for the Aldermanic President because he's the Vice-Mayor, so to speak. If something happens to the Mayor, the Aldermanic President becomes the Mayor. That's why WE vote. Also, each Alderman currently has a reasonable territory. Each neighborhood feels represented. If we cut the number of Aldermen by 2/5ths, we cut our representation. Who will suffer if (say) Carondolet, Holly Hills and Mount Pleasant all have the same Alderman? Perhaps Mount Pleasant? Since they have the least amount of businesses, and the lowest property values? Even though Mount Pleasant is actively bringing in and supporting small businesses, and even though they have had a bigger increase in property value than Holly Hills.
2. The City Finance Amendment replaces the Comptroller (an elected official) with a (hired) Director of Finance. Oh, we'll still vote for comptroller, and somebody will still get a paycheck, but they won't have any power. The new Director of Finance will be hired by the Mayor, eliminating the check and balance provided by the Comptrollers office. It also replaces the board of estimate and apportionment with simply the Mayor. (the board of E&A is comprised of the mayor, the aldermanic president and the comptroller. They don't get extra pay, so we're not saving St. Louis any money by getting rid of them) This amendment removes the salary limits that are currently in place and allows the director of finance to hire as many people as he sees fit.
3. The Civil Service Amendment changes what the aldermen can amend. If this piece of trash passes, the Aldermen can not chance anything relating to ?Civil service commission,? ?Commission powers and duties,? ?Political assessments and contributions,? ?Promises of official influence to affect political action,? ?Political activity of classified employees,? ?Penalties for violation,? ?Partial invalidity of provisions,? and ?Fire department.? Do I even need to go into why this is bad?
4. The City Office Reorganization Amendment lets the mayor hire the recorder of deeds, instead of letting us elect him/her. It lets the (not yet existent) director of finance hire the collector of revenue/license collector and treasurer -instead of letting us elect them. (So the mayor hires the director of finance, who hires the collector of revenue/license collector and treasurer. All the money in the hands of the mayor; no votes for the people.) The circuit court will appoint the circuit clerk (I have no problem with that one) and the public administrator (whom I know nothing about) The sheriff will also be appointed (rather than elected) by the circuit court WITH CONFIRMATION BY THE MAYOR, and a new position of chief administration officer will be created over all. (One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them?)
Obviously, I'm voting no on each of these amendments. I want a mayor, not a king. I want decent representation, not an over stretched alderman. I want to vote people into office, and have the option of removing them if need be.
To read the amendments in full, go here and scroll down to the May 27th entry. It's currently the 10th entry. Follow the links to the individual amendments.
Every day I drive my son to school, I pass signs reading "NO on amendments A B C D"
I see them in yards with Bush signs, and I see them in yards with Kerry signs. I see them in yards where it is the only sign. I went to the St. Louis ballot measures site, and they had nothing. So I searched the Post Dispatch Online. They had a lot of opinion, and several articles with a one paragraph description of the amendments; but not the actual amendments -or even their legal summary. I've been looking all week (when I should be out job hunting) and FINALLY, I found it. Kudos to The Arch City Chronicle for listing these very bad amendments.
Citizens for Home Rule, aka Advance St. Louis, aka Empower St. Louis, wants broad sweeping changes made to the St. Louis City charter. A few (a very few) of the proposed changes are a good idea. Unfortunately, they're blanketed with bad ideas.
When you go to the polls in November, here's what you'll see:
(Board of Aldermen Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended in accordance with the Board of Aldermen Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment restructures the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis as a body of fifteen Aldermen representing fifteen wards, provides for the Board of Aldermen to select its President from its membership, provides for a transition schedule to implement the restructuring, and other related matters, all as set forth in the ?Board of Aldermen Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(City Finance Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended to restructure the finance offices and functions of the City of St. Louis in accordance with the City Finance Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment restructures the finance offices and functions of the City of St. Louis by providing for financial and performance audits and budget review by an elected independent office of Comptroller, providing for professional budget staff for the Board of Aldermen and authorizing the Board of Aldermen to adjust budget line items, establishing the Director of Finance as head of the Finance Department and of the Budget Division and outlining the powers and duties of the Director of Finance, and other related matters, all as set forth in the ?City Finance Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(Civil Service Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended in accordance with the Civil Service Amendment Ordinance?
This amendment adds one new section to Article XVIII of the Charter of the City of St. Louis, pertaining to Civil Service, which allows for further amendment of Article XVIII by ordinances recommended by the Civil Service Commission of the City of St. Louis and approved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis. The amendment excepts the following sections of Article XVIII from the process of amendment by ordinance: Section 6, captioned ?Civil service commission,? Section 7, captioned ?Commission powers and duties,? Section 17, captioned ?Political assessments and contributions,? Section 18, captioned ?Promises of official influence to affect political action,? Section 19, captioned ?Political activity of classified employees,? Section 22, captioned ?Penalties for violation,? Section 27, captioned ?Partial invalidity of provisions,? and Section 31, captioned ?Fire department.? The procedures for amendment to Article XVIII by ordinance will be an alternative to any other procedures for charter amendment or revision provided by the constitution and laws of the state of Missouri or by other provisions of the Charter of the City of St. Louis. The proposed amendment also addresses other related matters as set forth in the ?Civil Service Amendment Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
(City Office Reorganization Amendment)
Shall the Charter of the City of St. Louis be amended to reorganize certain city offices in accordance with the City Office Reorganization Ordinance?
This amendment adds a new Article XXVI to the Charter of the City of St. Louis to incorporate into said Charter the present offices of Recorder of Deeds, Collector of Revenue, License Collector, Treasurer, Circuit Clerk, Public Administrator, and Sheriff, and reorganizes the number, kinds, manner of selection, terms salaries, powers, duties and functions of said offices, provides for a chief administrative officer to supervise, administer, and report to the mayor on the operations of said reorganized offices and other city offices, provides opportunity for the present staff of the offices proposed for reorganization to become employees of the City of St. Louis, with their individual seniority and compensation unaffected, provides and for the effective dates of such changes upon the expiration of the terms of office of the current holders of the offices proposed for reorganization. The proposed amendment also addresses other related matters as set forth in the ?City Office Reorganization Ordinance,? a copy of which is available at all polling places.
YES [ ]
NO [ ]
What it all means:
1. The Board of Aldermen Amendment drops 10 Aldermen and takes away our vote for aldermanic President. Right now, we vote citywide for the Aldermanic President because he's the Vice-Mayor, so to speak. If something happens to the Mayor, the Aldermanic President becomes the Mayor. That's why WE vote. Also, each Alderman currently has a reasonable territory. Each neighborhood feels represented. If we cut the number of Aldermen by 2/5ths, we cut our representation. Who will suffer if (say) Carondolet, Holly Hills and Mount Pleasant all have the same Alderman? Perhaps Mount Pleasant? Since they have the least amount of businesses, and the lowest property values? Even though Mount Pleasant is actively bringing in and supporting small businesses, and even though they have had a bigger increase in property value than Holly Hills.
2. The City Finance Amendment replaces the Comptroller (an elected official) with a (hired) Director of Finance. Oh, we'll still vote for comptroller, and somebody will still get a paycheck, but they won't have any power. The new Director of Finance will be hired by the Mayor, eliminating the check and balance provided by the Comptrollers office. It also replaces the board of estimate and apportionment with simply the Mayor. (the board of E&A is comprised of the mayor, the aldermanic president and the comptroller. They don't get extra pay, so we're not saving St. Louis any money by getting rid of them) This amendment removes the salary limits that are currently in place and allows the director of finance to hire as many people as he sees fit.
3. The Civil Service Amendment changes what the aldermen can amend. If this piece of trash passes, the Aldermen can not chance anything relating to ?Civil service commission,? ?Commission powers and duties,? ?Political assessments and contributions,? ?Promises of official influence to affect political action,? ?Political activity of classified employees,? ?Penalties for violation,? ?Partial invalidity of provisions,? and ?Fire department.? Do I even need to go into why this is bad?
4. The City Office Reorganization Amendment lets the mayor hire the recorder of deeds, instead of letting us elect him/her. It lets the (not yet existent) director of finance hire the collector of revenue/license collector and treasurer -instead of letting us elect them. (So the mayor hires the director of finance, who hires the collector of revenue/license collector and treasurer. All the money in the hands of the mayor; no votes for the people.) The circuit court will appoint the circuit clerk (I have no problem with that one) and the public administrator (whom I know nothing about) The sheriff will also be appointed (rather than elected) by the circuit court WITH CONFIRMATION BY THE MAYOR, and a new position of chief administration officer will be created over all. (One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them?)
Obviously, I'm voting no on each of these amendments. I want a mayor, not a king. I want decent representation, not an over stretched alderman. I want to vote people into office, and have the option of removing them if need be.
To read the amendments in full, go here and scroll down to the May 27th entry. It's currently the 10th entry. Follow the links to the individual amendments.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
A Minute In My Shoes
I'm not even asking for a mile. Just one minute you rabid, sign waving, so-called pro-lifers. The 60 seconds of my life when I called an adoption agency for help.
I'd like you to live that; so that the next time you protest, you'll have a little compassion. Your hatred and fear forwards nothing.
I'm not even asking for a mile. Just one minute you rabid, sign waving, so-called pro-lifers. The 60 seconds of my life when I called an adoption agency for help.
I'd like you to live that; so that the next time you protest, you'll have a little compassion. Your hatred and fear forwards nothing.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
So I'm Reading
"The Boy Who Cried Iraq" which, I'm sure everybody else has already read. I'm always late to the party.
Anyway, I'm at the part where the case is made for the Iraq war being an Oil War.
I just want to say... Nobody goes to war for condiments. Nobody kills civilans to make sure we have enough ketchup -or catsup, for that matter. Vote for Kerry.
Also, Crusoes Restaraunt in South St. Louis, where you can get a fabulous meal for a reasonable price, and drink some damn fine beer if you have the inclination; is having a Ketchup war right now.
Your meal comes with a token, which you can put in one of two tubs. Tub A has a bottle of Heinz ketchup over it, tub B has a bottle of All-American ketchup (I don't know the brand)
Right now the tubs are about equally full.
"The Boy Who Cried Iraq" which, I'm sure everybody else has already read. I'm always late to the party.
Anyway, I'm at the part where the case is made for the Iraq war being an Oil War.
I just want to say... Nobody goes to war for condiments. Nobody kills civilans to make sure we have enough ketchup -or catsup, for that matter. Vote for Kerry.
Also, Crusoes Restaraunt in South St. Louis, where you can get a fabulous meal for a reasonable price, and drink some damn fine beer if you have the inclination; is having a Ketchup war right now.
Your meal comes with a token, which you can put in one of two tubs. Tub A has a bottle of Heinz ketchup over it, tub B has a bottle of All-American ketchup (I don't know the brand)
Right now the tubs are about equally full.
An Interesting Conversation
Mom has been calling a lot recently. I'm not sure why, because I've been pushing her buttons since August. I'm terribly conflicted about something she did in August. Something I find so unethical... but that's a different story. Suffice it to say, since she did that thing, the gloves are off. I've been using everything she herself taught me to remind her that she once was a decent, reasonable, humane person. I've been making very little headway. But last night, I got her to think for a minute.(obviously, I'm pissed about something, but I don't want to talk about it here.)
It started with this question from me:
"I want to ask you a question, mom. I've heard it floating around for a while, and I know there's no real answer, but I want to ask anyway, ok?"
"Ok," She says.
"Ok." Says I. "So you know Bush is pro-life, right? To the point of banning new stem cell lines, etc... And you know Bush is pro-war. He attacked Afghanistan to wipe out Al-Qaida, then he attacked Iraq, and he's got other countries lined up... you can check it all over the internet. I mean real sources, not just bloggers stating their opinions"
I did a bad thing, there. She'll never check the internet, or even her local paper. Finding "proof" of that sort is not easy. There are very, very few reputable sources. So I scammed her. My bad. But then I went on...
"So knowing that... How can someone be pro-life, and pro-war at the same time?"
I had her where I wanted her, -tackling a puzzle. Mom can't resist a puzzle, muahaha. See, mom won't vote for Kerry because he's Catholic, yet he votes pro-choice. I have pointed out time and again that as a Representative, it's his job to vote the way the majority of his constituents want him to vote. Mom's one reason for voting Bush is that he's pro-life.
She worked her way through my philosophical question and concluded that he is not pro-life, he is simply anti-abortion. Score!
The subject was changed, and she started telling me about a booklet she'd found at Grandma's place. It was an explanation of the beliefs of Jehova's Witnesses. She was all outraged over their beliefs. Which led, in a roundabout way, to discussing her son-in-law. The Jewish one, not my Discordian Hubby.
Her son-in-law does not want his children to receive religious gifts. No angels or crosses, thank you. No praying teddy bears or books about Jesus. That's his right, and it drives mom crazy. She offered him a deal. She said, "I'll read your book, if you read mine."
She's all upset because her Jewish son-in-law will talk respectfully with her about Jesus, but won't call him "Christ". (sigh) So I explained it to her. In very simple terms. If I'm inaccurate, please leave a comment correcting me. I would hate to spread disinformation about a religion; and I admit I know little about Judaism. I told her that the Jews believe Jesus was a prophet. They do not believe he was the Messiah. Because he died. He didn't do what their teachings said their Messiah would do.
She didn't get it.
I told her they don't believe in heaven or hell -as a place to go when you die. They believe they are here to glorify God. Their lives are a gift from God. And when they die, that's it. It's why they bury without embalming. Why all parts, including their blood, goes into the earth. (I don't know their views on cremation) "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and all that. Their body is God's body.
She kind of got it.
I remembered a thing from my childhood, and said, "You say it every week in Church, mom. 'Dying you destroyed our death'..."
"Ahhhh." She said. "I get it! I understand!"
It was a good moment. And it opened the way for me to ask the question I'd wanted to ask in the beginning. "Why are you here?"
She said, "To glorify God."
"Ok," says I, "A soul can glorify God. Why do you have a physical body?"
Finally, she replied, "I never really thought about it."
I offered, "God gave you a body for a reason. What was it?"
"Well... God made us in His own image..." She began. "And he gave us a soul, and power over the earth."
Which led me to, "Right... But why a physical body. What is it's purpose? Why not just keep us all in heaven?"
I continued, "I have thought about it. I think a physical body, and all the hardships that come with it is a gift. I think a soul, a pure soul can't experience the things a body can. Like a scraped knee, hurt feelings, mom hugs, or childbirth. I think it's a gift."
I'm not out to change my mom's religion. I want to give her a deeper faith, if anything. I want her to snap out of the fearful obedience she's had since September, 2001. I want her to believe again. And I want her, for my own selfish reasons, to see people with the compassion she once had. I want her to let go of her hate and fear and blame. These things put her farther from God, not nearer.
She could worship a pile of toenail clippings, for all I care; as long as it fulfills her. Fulfilled people are happy people. Happy people don't spread hate.
Mom has been calling a lot recently. I'm not sure why, because I've been pushing her buttons since August. I'm terribly conflicted about something she did in August. Something I find so unethical... but that's a different story. Suffice it to say, since she did that thing, the gloves are off. I've been using everything she herself taught me to remind her that she once was a decent, reasonable, humane person. I've been making very little headway. But last night, I got her to think for a minute.(obviously, I'm pissed about something, but I don't want to talk about it here.)
It started with this question from me:
"I want to ask you a question, mom. I've heard it floating around for a while, and I know there's no real answer, but I want to ask anyway, ok?"
"Ok," She says.
"Ok." Says I. "So you know Bush is pro-life, right? To the point of banning new stem cell lines, etc... And you know Bush is pro-war. He attacked Afghanistan to wipe out Al-Qaida, then he attacked Iraq, and he's got other countries lined up... you can check it all over the internet. I mean real sources, not just bloggers stating their opinions"
I did a bad thing, there. She'll never check the internet, or even her local paper. Finding "proof" of that sort is not easy. There are very, very few reputable sources. So I scammed her. My bad. But then I went on...
"So knowing that... How can someone be pro-life, and pro-war at the same time?"
I had her where I wanted her, -tackling a puzzle. Mom can't resist a puzzle, muahaha. See, mom won't vote for Kerry because he's Catholic, yet he votes pro-choice. I have pointed out time and again that as a Representative, it's his job to vote the way the majority of his constituents want him to vote. Mom's one reason for voting Bush is that he's pro-life.
She worked her way through my philosophical question and concluded that he is not pro-life, he is simply anti-abortion. Score!
The subject was changed, and she started telling me about a booklet she'd found at Grandma's place. It was an explanation of the beliefs of Jehova's Witnesses. She was all outraged over their beliefs. Which led, in a roundabout way, to discussing her son-in-law. The Jewish one, not my Discordian Hubby.
Her son-in-law does not want his children to receive religious gifts. No angels or crosses, thank you. No praying teddy bears or books about Jesus. That's his right, and it drives mom crazy. She offered him a deal. She said, "I'll read your book, if you read mine."
She's all upset because her Jewish son-in-law will talk respectfully with her about Jesus, but won't call him "Christ". (sigh) So I explained it to her. In very simple terms. If I'm inaccurate, please leave a comment correcting me. I would hate to spread disinformation about a religion; and I admit I know little about Judaism. I told her that the Jews believe Jesus was a prophet. They do not believe he was the Messiah. Because he died. He didn't do what their teachings said their Messiah would do.
She didn't get it.
I told her they don't believe in heaven or hell -as a place to go when you die. They believe they are here to glorify God. Their lives are a gift from God. And when they die, that's it. It's why they bury without embalming. Why all parts, including their blood, goes into the earth. (I don't know their views on cremation) "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and all that. Their body is God's body.
She kind of got it.
I remembered a thing from my childhood, and said, "You say it every week in Church, mom. 'Dying you destroyed our death'..."
"Ahhhh." She said. "I get it! I understand!"
It was a good moment. And it opened the way for me to ask the question I'd wanted to ask in the beginning. "Why are you here?"
She said, "To glorify God."
"Ok," says I, "A soul can glorify God. Why do you have a physical body?"
Finally, she replied, "I never really thought about it."
I offered, "God gave you a body for a reason. What was it?"
"Well... God made us in His own image..." She began. "And he gave us a soul, and power over the earth."
Which led me to, "Right... But why a physical body. What is it's purpose? Why not just keep us all in heaven?"
I continued, "I have thought about it. I think a physical body, and all the hardships that come with it is a gift. I think a soul, a pure soul can't experience the things a body can. Like a scraped knee, hurt feelings, mom hugs, or childbirth. I think it's a gift."
I'm not out to change my mom's religion. I want to give her a deeper faith, if anything. I want her to snap out of the fearful obedience she's had since September, 2001. I want her to believe again. And I want her, for my own selfish reasons, to see people with the compassion she once had. I want her to let go of her hate and fear and blame. These things put her farther from God, not nearer.
She could worship a pile of toenail clippings, for all I care; as long as it fulfills her. Fulfilled people are happy people. Happy people don't spread hate.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
One Month Of Madness
He does this to me every year, and secretly -I love it. First it was Ash Ketchum, before Ash costumes were available. So I cobbled it together by hand. I sewed and dyed and made little badges from colored sculpey. We even found a Pokemon League hat. And everyone said, "Who are you?"
A few years of store bought costumes passed. And then it was Harry Potter, before HP got hot. A "scream" robe converted nicely to a Hogwarts robe, and a little liquid latex made a good lightning bolt shaped scar. He already had the glasses, so all we needed was a bit of tape. Again, nobody knew who he was; but it was worth it to hear my 4th grader say, "I'm Harry Potter! Don't you read?"
He's been a knight in shining plastic armor 3 times -once with me as the dragon. Thank you Persephone, for sewing that awful red pleather. I couldn't have done it without you!
Last year he was Gambit. Persephone saved me again by making the modified trench coat. I made the headpiece, breastplate and boots. And everything but the coat fell apart. Well, at least Persephone knows how to make a costume. :)
This year he wants to be (brace yourself)...
Han Solo.
Guess what I can't find to buy?
Han Solo.
I get to make the whole thing, from blaster to boots. So I need leather, sheet aluminium, a toy gun that can be modified, paint and fabric. Thank you L, for the challenges you present me!
Every year I get to learn a whole new skill. I think it's the primary joy of being a stay home mom. I've promised myself that I will not ask Persephone for help this year. She has 3 children of her own to make costumes for. I feel guilty yet relieved every year she comes to my rescue. She has been generous beyond measure, and I appreciate every bit of it.
He does this to me every year, and secretly -I love it. First it was Ash Ketchum, before Ash costumes were available. So I cobbled it together by hand. I sewed and dyed and made little badges from colored sculpey. We even found a Pokemon League hat. And everyone said, "Who are you?"
A few years of store bought costumes passed. And then it was Harry Potter, before HP got hot. A "scream" robe converted nicely to a Hogwarts robe, and a little liquid latex made a good lightning bolt shaped scar. He already had the glasses, so all we needed was a bit of tape. Again, nobody knew who he was; but it was worth it to hear my 4th grader say, "I'm Harry Potter! Don't you read?"
He's been a knight in shining plastic armor 3 times -once with me as the dragon. Thank you Persephone, for sewing that awful red pleather. I couldn't have done it without you!
Last year he was Gambit. Persephone saved me again by making the modified trench coat. I made the headpiece, breastplate and boots. And everything but the coat fell apart. Well, at least Persephone knows how to make a costume. :)
This year he wants to be (brace yourself)...
Han Solo.
Guess what I can't find to buy?
Han Solo.
I get to make the whole thing, from blaster to boots. So I need leather, sheet aluminium, a toy gun that can be modified, paint and fabric. Thank you L, for the challenges you present me!
Every year I get to learn a whole new skill. I think it's the primary joy of being a stay home mom. I've promised myself that I will not ask Persephone for help this year. She has 3 children of her own to make costumes for. I feel guilty yet relieved every year she comes to my rescue. She has been generous beyond measure, and I appreciate every bit of it.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Debating the Debate
I watched the debate last night, and it changed my vote. I went from "Anyone but Bush" to "John Kerry all the way"
He spoke about what I wanted to hear. He said more than rhetoric. He was clear about his goals. Bush was vague. Bush did not express any plan for anything. When pinned with a tough question, Bush invariably changed the subject. It was interesting to watch.
I finally have a candidate to vote for, rather than someone to vote against.
I watched the debate last night, and it changed my vote. I went from "Anyone but Bush" to "John Kerry all the way"
He spoke about what I wanted to hear. He said more than rhetoric. He was clear about his goals. Bush was vague. Bush did not express any plan for anything. When pinned with a tough question, Bush invariably changed the subject. It was interesting to watch.
I finally have a candidate to vote for, rather than someone to vote against.
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