Monday, May 24, 2004

Is there something about me?

I've given myself several days to cool off before writing this.
What is it about this blog that draws Christians and makes them think it's ok to prosletize to me? This is my PERSONAL blog. It's mine. Nowhere on this blog did it say, "Oh, please... I need you to foist your god on me. Please encourage me to be powerless and unhappy just like you. Please change me so I can be uplifted by looking down on everyone; because I really want a religion like that."

(Pardon any typos, I'm so mad my hands are shaking)
Look, this little blog gets maybe 20 hits a day. Woo, big numbers there! I try to be nice. I try to respect the religions of others. I follow the maxim, "If you can't say anything nice..." I do give polite responses in my comments. Is that what draws them? Do they think I'm searching?
I AM NOT LOST. I HAVE faith. I just don't have YOUR faith. I have looked at Christianity; it's a worthy religion. AND IT IS NOT MY RELIGION.

Were I to follow Christianity, you would find me up on a stage laying hand on people and healing them... and I would be miserable. Please just let me be. Let me interact with the world and do my work in peace. Let me follow my calling, as I let you follow yours. There is enough oppression in the world.

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