Wednesday, February 11, 2004


I want to take a minute to talk about ecstatic trance. If you go to google and type in 'define trance', you'll get this: trance -a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.
You'll also get a link to more definitions. A lot more definitions. For me, trance is a state of quiet internalization. Trance can also be a quiet internalization which I draw others into, or where I draw myself into them. Then there's ecstatic trance. Traditionally, this means working the body into a state where the ego fades and the mind becomes free-floating. I think the body produces so many chemicals to mask the pain, provide energy, preserve fluids, etc, that it creates a sort of "tripping" effect. Some shamans take drugs or poisons to enter ecstatic trance, some exhaust their bodies, and some just go there. I should rephrase that. All shamans just go there, some of them use a longer route.

I don't use drugs. I don't dance or exercise to the point of exhaustion. I don't starve myself, or go without water. I believe my body must be maintained, not damaged. Ecstatic trance can be achieved without trashing your body. Unfortunately, I can't tell you how. Trance is a state of being. For me, ecstatic trance is driven by need and will. Someone must need the information and they must be unable to get the information themselves, and I must be willing to see/feel/taste/touch/know the information they seek. Sometimes I'm unwilling to experience what the subject needs to know. An example is regression and soul retrieval. Sometimes I'm unwilling to walk through someone's abusive childhood... (I'm leaving that there, because it accurately states a hangup for me) Reworded:
Sometimes people want me to walk through their abusive childhood, pick up the pieces and bring them back. I never want to do that. Sometimes the need is so great, and the person's block is so huge; that walking through their life alone and bringing back the ugliness is the only way. A far better way is to take that person by the metaphorical hand and walk with them, keeping them safe, pointing the way and helping them embrace the pieces of themselves that they had left behind.
When that happens, I am not the only one experiencing ecstatic trance. The other person becomes radiant, both during trance and afterward. Even when we both break down in tears, we glow. I always feel honored and gifted when I'm able to help people in that way.

Really, I think the ability to walk alongside someone in ecstatic trance is the greatest of my gifts. The precognition, minor telekinesis and medical intuitiveness all pale in comparison to helping someone help themselves become a bit more whole.

I think anybody can do the things I do. I think some people choose not to. I also think someday my soul will grow up, and I'll spend a life or three choosing not to. :) I hope those lives are as happy as the one I'm having now.

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