Friday, February 13, 2004

No Working Title

There's a fascinating debate going on at The Soulful Blogger.
It began with a post on The Sick Soul, which was read by Joe -author of The Soulful Blogger. Joe wrote his opinions on his blog, which began The Great Debate on anal sex. In and amongst the truly eloquent commenting, are a few things I want to write at length about:

On the entire thread: Why do some people regard sex as a non-worthwhile thing?
Josh S said: There's no such thing as a "gay married couple." Mutual consent, sexual attraction, and commitment aren't sufficient causes for a marriage.
??? My heterosexual marriage is based on mutual consent, sexual attraction, and commitment. What's yours based on? I've known some really screwed up people who came from parents who's marriage was based on procreation.
Tess argues: Ironically female oral sex to climax is just fine, since it isn't vital to fertility.
Actually, female climax is vital to fertility. Climax produces fluids which make the vagina a habitable region for sperm. Climax also causes the cervix to spasm, which draws the semen into the uteris. If it's all about procreation, then you're wasting valuable resources and chemical energy every time you don't conceive.


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