Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Three Ring Circus

Remember Schoolhouse Rock? Of course you do. We all have fond memories of our favorites like, "I'm Just A Bill" or "Conjunction Junction". Years ago, we bought the Schoolhouse Rock collection on videotape, and I was re-introduced to "Three Ring Circus" which explains the three branches of government. The Supreme Court doesn't make the news as often as the President or members of the Legislative branch. I think that's good. It frees up the Supreme Court, and gives them the space to do their job. I also like that they get a lifetime appointment, so they don't have to worry about getting booted when they make unpopular decisions. I'd like to talk about some of the decisions they'll be working on after their midwinter break.

The Pledge of Allegiance: I'm all for making kids start their day by pledging their dedication to their country. I'm all for "One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". I'm all against "Under God".

Looking at how post Sept. 11th deals with terrorism and security: Yes!

The Supreme Courst will be testing the limits of presidential secrecy, civil rights protections for the disabled, and free speech vs protecting children from Internet pRon. They will be looking at patients rights to sue their HMO's. Cases now awaiting rulings include a church-state fight over scholarships for religious education, a look at the role of partisan politics in legislative redistricting, and a case testing the legal rights of more than 650 foreigners held in open-ended military custody at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay.

All I can say is, do it, baby!

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