Saturday, August 23, 2003

Politics Abnormal

I'm on the St. Louis Pagan Discussion list. It started as a way for STL pagans to get to know one another and discuss pagany topics. I think it should be renamed to "STL Pagans and Politics".
I've been reading an ongoing thread about recalling Bush and how unfair the whole political arena is. Someone said their piece then said, "Sigh, politics as usual."

They had chatted themselves into a state of acceptance of the voting abnormalities and problems in many states, including mine. I still say NO! It is not OK, and I will never accept changing the rules after a Democrat (or Republican) has been voted into office. We already have procedures to remove these people, and those procedures should be used instead of ignored. The bullshit in California right now is just one example.
-more on this later-

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