Monday, August 04, 2003

Blogrolling here and there led me to one of those ridiculous surveys about yourself. You know, the ones with about a hundred questions and you're supposed to e-mail it to all your friends...? Yep. One of those. This one actually has a few questions I haven't read a billion times already, so I'm swiping the unusual ones and putting them here. heh. Enjoy!
Good Gods! It is 220 questions! Who needs to know that much about anyone?

4. What do you like most about yourself?: That I glow

5. Pick a song that describes yourself: now this is a good one. A says everyone has a theme song. A song that comes on the radio and never fails to put you in the best mood possible, because it's yours. I haven't found mine yet really. It's a toss up between the lion king's "circle of life" and Sinatra's "I did it my way"

7. What does your name mean?: please don't laugh. no kidding- it's Princess Light the Sensible One Cold Water. yeeesh.

8. Do you believe in yourself?: abso-smurfing-lootley!

24. What kind of Deodorant do you use?: it changes from month to month. This latest attempt at masking my personal scent makes me smell like fresh sweat.

32. What's under your bed?: probably dust bunnies warring with cat fur over the ancient pair of dirty underwear I can't find to wash. I'm afraid to look.

38. When you notice somebody of the opposite sex what do you notice first?:energy

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?:yep!

60. What color is your toothbrush?: White and green with blue and white bristles. It vibrates too.

61. What color is your toothpaste?: you've got to be kidding me.

62. What's on your walls in your room? paint

82. What do you think of people who drink?: I think they're doing what's necessary to maintain their bodies...oh, you mean ALCOHOL :)

85. Do you blush during naughty scenes?: Not usually.

90. Who is the loudest person you know? Heh! My mother.

120. What's your favorite color to paint your toenails?: butter yellow

160. Who's the prettiest Disney movie gal?: Belle

180. Favorite sound?: music

192. If you could be anything in a kitchen what would you be?: food

193. If you could be one gardening tool what would you be?: This one is just plain odd. I'd be the seeds.

201. If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose?: If I were to kill someone I'd be defending my child, so the quickest way possible.
Although the idea of a psychic blast, or sprouting wolverine-like adamantium claws is pretty nifty too.

206. You are a virgin. You're going to die in one hour. That's right! You have ONE HOUR TO LIVE!!! lose your virginity as fast as you can? or you call all your close friends and relatives to say goodbye?: say goodbye. absolutely.

208. Your favorite STD and why?: And you thought the other questions strange!

210. What would your porn name be? Princess Light the Sensible!

213. Full body massage or dry sex?: WTF?????

220. Premarital sex?: it’s only premarital sex if you’re going to get married

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