Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I love that Comfrey is disease resistant, insect resistant and weed resistant. I've personally noted that mosquitoes like to hide in my comfrey foliage in the evening. Fortunately, spiders have noticed too! My biggest challenge when harvesting comfrey is to give the spiders advance notice that I'll be removing parts of their hunting grounds. My second biggest challenge is not squishing the caterpillars that like to nibble the early spring leaves of my comfrey. It's never a BIG problem, just some of the leaves get munched on. Comfrey is self-healing, so it will re-grow the nibbled bits.

I love comfrey because I have arthritis. An ounce or two of leaves, ground by mortar and pestle and put in a carrier oil for a few days means instant relief from my arthritis at it's worst. It reduces the swelling and the pain is gone for up to 8 hours. It doesn't numb the area, nor does it create a sensation of heat or cold. It just has my knees feel like they did before I developed arthritis. That lack of pain without any side effects is well worth a bit of oil on the skin.

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