Monday, March 24, 2003

News on the news front. Reporters keep asking "experts" if we have enough "force" to do the job. What they mean is "can the combined militaries and all their vehicles and armaments etc. kill all of them without killing any of us?"
DUH. War is MESSY on all sides. The networks are trying to make up for it with snazzy theme music. Fox has a stirring march, heavy on the drums of war. MSNBC takes a more somber tune, in keeping with the rising death toll. I watched CNN for a good long while, and they never took a commercial break. Maybe they haven't found a composer yet?
But wait, there's more!
The nevy has brought in dolphins to help find mines in the gulf. I thought the navy had abandoned dolphins as unreliable...? How much of Bush's 75 BILLION dollar request goes to dolphin food?
In the "it's not fair" category, we have these scrolling across the ticker-
Iraqi's are pretending to surrender, then shooting at us! it's not fair!
Republican Guard are wearing civilian clothes, and shooting at us! it's just not fair!
15,000 republican guardsmen will fight to the death around Baghdad! How rude!
Russia refuses to freeze Iraq's bank accounts, they're using human shields, and shooting from hospitals and mosques! Don't they know "the rules of war"?
Since when was war fair? Fair war is called diplomacy.

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