Tuesday, March 11, 2003

I received a half dozen roses on Valentine's Day from my amazing
hubby. When they finally started to die off, I plucked all the petals, along with all the flower heads from the spray of Heather that had come with. -the universe was paying attention, that day- Sexy man comes home and asks me why I have a bunch of flower petals in my mixer bowl, and I say, I want to try to make rose water
(as a reminder to anyone not currently living my life, I have TRIED to preserve and/or reuse the flowers given to me all my life. This has always resulted in either unidentifyable black crispy things, or black mush.)
Buck looks to the ceiling for guidance, then starts stuffing all the flower bits into a clean bottle for me. He then pours tap water into the bottle and caps it tight.
I already know this is going to result in black mush, but I like living as an optomist, so at least once a day I pick the thing up and try to shake all the air bubbles into one spot. The bottle is crammed with rose petals and heather, so the most I can do with the shaking is to get a few more heather flowers to float to the top of the bottle. Yesterday, I got fed up with the air pockets I knew must be in the bottle somewhere, and I got a stick to poke around in the bottle with. I twist the cap on the bottle, and I hear -pfft! and liquid starts foaming out of the bottle. So I tighten the cap real quick, wipe up the liquid, and stare at the bottle for a while. Eventually my curiosity overcomes my unwillingness to make a mess, so I put a folded paper towel under the bottle, and twist! Once again, pink liquid pours up from the bottle top. Huh. Twist on, no liquid. Twist off, fizzy pink stuff! Amazing! I did this until the bottle stopped overflowing. Thanks to my Amazing Hubby-man We made Rose Champaign!!!

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