Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I walked away from Bush's speech last night when he said (I can't find it) It was just too much for me. I went out on my porch and looked at the moon, and I thought "It's a full moon tonight, that's supposed to be ideal for attacking." There was a cloud next to the moon that really looked like an upside down face. I tried to get a photo of it with the camera, but it didn't work out. I was trying to decide if it was an image of a god, looking down on us. Perhaps it was Aries, the God of War. Perhaps it was Hades doing the body count, and trying to figure out how big a boat Charon would need tomorrow. Maybe it was the Christian God, appearing upside down, turning his face away. Maybe it was just clouds making a face at me ;)
Note how depressed and angry the US feels today. Yesterday the DOW was up more than 200 points before Bush opened his mouth. I wonder how low it will get today? Is this some conspiracy to repress the middle class by shrinking their 401K's?
I think I may have insulted my friend. I was on the phone with her and really sucked into this stupid Prez thing. She was catching me up on her life, and her hubby, and I thought I was listening and being a support for her. Then she said "Should I not talk about my husband?" I apologized for being sucked up, and asked her to please continue, please please. But she never went back to the subject. I feel like I somehow failed our friendship. I think I don't know what I think. I want to sleep, or burst into tears, wrist slashing almost sounds good. I only feel this way after one of Boy George's little pep talks.

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