Sunday, July 09, 2006

Vacation... All I ever Wanted?
My one and only son is going on vacation. He's hopping a plane at 8 am Monday morning and spending a week with my wonderful In-Laws.

They usually have him around this time of year. It's perfect, because it coincides with my wedding anniversary. We can throw a party and we don't need to worry about L being bored or kept awake.

But this year, we're not throwing a party. Instead, I'm helping plan something secret. It's very stressful. My sister calls me at least once a day to make sure my share of the planning is getting done. She tells me what I need to do next at least 6 times before she'll get off the phone. She calls while I'm in the midst of doing what she wants me to do. She calls in the middle of dinner. I have dreams that I'm on the phone repeating, "Yes... yes... I know... I'm doing that...Right now, in fact... Yes. While I'm talking to you..."

My hair is falling out. Not that that's a huge deal, because I have a LOT of hair. So no one will notice.

My son will be gone for a week, and that week will be spent preparing a surprise. All that's left is easy secret thing, flowers, decorations, and getting an RSVP from every single person on the invitation list. Every Single Person MUST respond with a "yes" or "no" or else my sister will keep calling me.

So please, for the sake of my hair; use those pre-addressed and pre-stamped RSVP cards. PLEASE!

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