Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Party
The secret thing I was stressing about was my mom's 60th birthday party.
The coordinated efforts of my sister, myself, my cousin and my aunt brought about the most successful party I've ever been to.

My sister rented out the upper floor of Crusoe's Restaurant and chose the 'Italian buffet' option, since our mom is Sicilian.
Forget about mostaccioli. That classic St. Louis buffet dish was nowhere to be seen. (Thank God!) Crusoe's provided Chicken Parmesan, Baked Lasagna, Fettuccine Alfredo, Italian Mixed Vegetables, Marinated Italian Salad, Dinner rolls, Amaretto Cheesecake, Coffee and Tea. We also had really good spicy chicken wings and the other St. Louis classic - Toasted Ravioli.
Crusoe's makes their sauces by hand, and they know what they're doing.

My sister also ordered a specialty cake from the only bakery in town that makes it. It's a cannoli cake. If you've never had cannoli, I envy you that moment in your future when you get your first taste.
Cannoli is puff pastry rolled into a tube and stuffed with ricotta cheese, chocolate chips, and sugar -all whipped together. It usually has a marachino cherry stuck in one end. Cannoli cake is made by baking a base and top layer of puff pastry and putting cannoli mix in between, then topping it with a thick layer of whipped frosting. There isn't a lot of sugar in the frosting, because you really don't need it.

Enough about the food, though. On to the surprise!
My cousin found people from deep in my mom's past; as far back as gradeschool, and invited them. I invited her friends from work and her Legion of Mary group. My aunt and cousin gathered photos from way back in the day which my cousin and I scanned and copied to make a collage. While we were working on that, my sister was arranging a great DJ and a photographer for the event. Plus managing the rsvp's so she could have some sort of head count. My aunt also shopped for flowers and borrowed vases from another aunt, who is a caterer.
The day of the party, we were there 3 hours early; blowing up balloons and decorating. Then it was home for a quick shower and change of clothes, then back to the party.
Mom was completely surprised. My aunt "took her out for dinner" at Crusoe's, and because they were busy, they were using the upstairs, too. Sometimes they do that on weekends. Mom walked in the door; everyone screamed SURPRISE!; and my 60 year old mother almost keeled over from shock. She kept stopping and staring at people she hadn't seen in years. Meanwhile, her other sister (The one who lives in Houston) waited quietly behind the pack of people. She knew my mom would eventually spot her. And eventually she did. Much hugging and crying ensued. It was a really good party.

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