Monday, April 26, 2004

So Much to Say, So Little Space!

I started off all ready to rant about the pro-choice rally in DC, but then I read my blogroll. So, in no particular order, here are the things that are crowding my mind. Someday, my grandchildren (If I'm gifted with any) will read this and perhaps know me a little better. What I wouldn't give to have my grandmother's diary. (sigh) ok, on with the randomness:

(1) This morning, I turned on FreeSpeech TV just in time to see Whoopi Goldberg lift a wire coathanger and say, "Remember this? Do you remember the purpose of this? ... Never again!" L was late for school because I wanted to watch as she forgot her prepared speech and shook that hanger, chanting, "Never again! Never again!"
I thought of my great-grandmother (as I often do, these days. Thank you President Bush for being such a bad president, that you've given me the space to remember everything my ancestors fought for.) My great-grandmother who really was a suffragette; who risked her dignity, and possibly her marriage, to buy me the right to vote. I thought of my great-aunt; who, back in the 1920's, took the "shame" of being a lesbian -and turned it into a career. I thought of my mother, who gave birth to my sister in a Salvation Army shelter; because her out-of-wedlock pregnancy "shamed" her father.
And I realized something. It's not about pregnancy, it's about empowerment. Without rights, there is no recognition. Without recognition, there is no power. And without power, there is no freedom. Women are not chattel, and should never be treated as such. There is a much deeper picture here.

(2) Having "overweight" friends has really helped me sort out my own body issues. I'll never be a size 8 again. It's unlikely I'll get down to a 10. And you know what? I'm fine with that. I'll always have stretch marks, and wrinkles. Menopause lurks in the shadows, threatening my very definition of myself. What's a little weight? Nothing.

(3) There really is nothing like playing mini-golf in the rain. You should try it sometime.

(4) Scary thought from Marian: The vote for the President of the United States is only 5 months away. Stand up, shout out, VOTE, boot bush!

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