Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh, What A Beautiful Morning!

I tell ya, there are mornings - there are beautiful mornings - and then there is *this* morning.

I should put it in perspective. Last night I went to bed later than I'd hoped to. I had trouble falling asleep because my foot hurt that much, and it was too late at night to take even half a pain pill.
And yet,I slept soundly and awoke refreshed. I woke early too. None of the cats ran under my feet and tripped me. My teenage son got out of bed on time. The Levis 501's I bought before he was born fit me as comfortably as sweat pants this morning. No part of them was tight -not even across my hips. We had fog hovering above the river, and it smelled like fog instead of pollution. No birds had pooped on my windshield overnight. Traffic didn't get in my way. The stoplights were all green as I passed under them. L was early to school. I had time to pick up breakfast for the hubby man; and he was getting out of bed as I came in the door. AND we're probably going to get thunderstorms later today.

Yep. A perfect morning.


Roberta S said...

Nice thoughts. A special day, absolutely. Yep, I was pleased as I read about your 'perfect morning'. No bird poopies on the car or windshield -- that is almost good enough to stand alone as a special day. :)

She Dances in Dragon said...

hehe!! I agree wholeheartedly!