Sunday, May 14, 2006


So there we are, watching the final 2 Survivors walking along the beach, drinking mimosas out of champaign glasses - and Aras slips. The glass shatters. Cuts his hand and his back. He pulled the glass out of his back; blood everywhere. The med team comes...

And they break out the anesthetic. *shudder* I remember those lidocaine shots in my foot. I remember screaming. I remember my vision blacking out. And I remember asking the doctor if feet were the worst. "Hands and feet", he said. "Actually, hands are a bit worse."

And poor Aras. They had to anesthetize his hand. *shudder*shudder*shudder*

It freaked me out. Oh, the trauma. What a birthday gift. *shudder*

Oh, yeah. I'm 37 today!


Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday yesterday! So happy day after your birthday today :)

Roberta S said...

Happy Birthday, she dances in dragon. Just a few words of cheer. Give yourself a few more years and you won't be able to spend a birthday recalling terrors and upsets of the past. When I showed Hub my mysteriously sore finger today, he reminded me that I removed a very big wicker from that spot yesterday.

~martha said...

Happy 8 days after your birthday! I havent gotten anywhere lately as much as I would like to. I hope your day was fantastic!!!