Friday, December 30, 2005

On the twelfth day of Winter, a Pagan sent to me...
twelve covens chanting
eleven heavy cauldrons
ten brooms for sweeping
nine books of shadows
eight pounds of amber
seven chakra candles
six crescent cookies
five silver rings
four corner callers
three quartz points
two black cats
and a pentacle to hang on my tree


Roberta S said...

These gifts aren't so bad. I'll take the big cooking pots, the books, the amber, the candles and cookies and rings, even the quartz and I like the simplicity of the pentacle -- but I don't want ten brooms for sweeping. But still, for the most part, your pagan gifts are more useful and more appealing than turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree without a cauldron to cook them in. ;)

She Dances in Dragon said...

Why, thank you!