Friday, December 09, 2005

Knitting and Snow and Random Geekiness
I'm knitting a scarf for my sister's birthday and it's almost done!
I have a cousin who's the same age as my son. He lives 2 houses away, so he comes over fairly regularly to play video games etc. Poor kid was born on September 11, back when it was just another day.
Anyway, I was knitting along, and he asked me if it was hard to do. I said, "Not at all. Knitting is really easy." *pause* "Would you like me to teach you?"
I grabbed some yarn and freed up a pair of needles, cast on 13 stitches and knit 2 rows, then I handed the needles to my cousin. The kid is a natural. I let him have a pair of needles and some blue acrylic yarn to play with. It was really cool, teaching a 14 year old boy to knit.

We had our first real snowfall yesterday. It snowed for 6 hours. It was beautiful.
When I picked L up from school, there were cars all over the sides of the road. It seems like everybody was spinning out. I saw several cars that just baffled me. There was one halfway up a hill, facing the highway. It was snow free, and there were not noticeable tire tracks. It was as if it had fallen from the sky.
Another was sitting over a ditch, resting on it's bumpers. It made a little car-bridge over the ditch with it's back bumper on the highway side, and it's front bumper on the onramp side. None of it's tires touched the ground. It had spun out counterclockwise, sweeping an arc in the snow, and coming to rest as a perfect bridge. There was a towtruck on the scene, and a very puzzled looking towtruck driver. I'm puzzled too. I mean, how fast does a car have to be spinning to wedge itself across a ditch? I swear, the thing was level.

My husband has a computer monitor showing a live feed of Busch Stadium. Or I should say: the pile of rubble that was once Busch Stadium, and the beginnings of the new Busch Stadium.

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