Friday, April 07, 2006

The Common Cold

L has a cold. He went to school yesterday, coughing and sneezing. Today he stayed home. Now here's the cool thing: L had a test today on Romeo and Juliette. He e-mailed his teacher to schedule a retest, and found out the test is available through the class servers! So he can (and did) take the test at home, surrounded by drifts of white kleenex and empty Pepsi bottles.

He doesn't want me to get sick too, so he asked me to let him take care of his own mess. Wow! Because usually, I make an extra effort to remove the empty bottles and keep several trash cans available for his tissues. I know how miserable a little cold can be, and how nice it is to have help. But this time he wants to take care of it himself.

My boy has grown up a lot this year. :)

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