Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Silly News Media
There are news reporters all over the CBC campus today. CBC is considering implementing a mandatory, random, drug testing policy. It would be a hair test, not a urine test.

The school asked us parents about it. They sent home a letter and invited us to a meeting. They really want to know how we feel about it. Here's how we feel:
The hubby-man and I are both in favor of this policy. I discussed it with L, and he's in favor of it too. He's not worried about drugs. He knows he can "just say no". If CBC implements testing, he can say; "Nope. Can't. My school drug tests." He thinks that's fabulous.


Anonymous said...

What about civil liberties? It seems like a shaky subject to me.

She Dances in Dragon said...

Since it's a private school, he leaves civil liberty at the door. He has the right to withdraw from school; that's about it.
L was a bit surprised to realize that he doesn't have the same rights as an adult, but he figures it's fair because he doesn't have the responsibilities either. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, civil liberties are nice and all, but I have already explained to my daughter that I own her soul until she is 18. Muhahah!!!!