Tuesday, August 10, 2004

We're Outta Here!

We are off to DragonFest! Woo! I am so looking forward to 5 days in the mountains. Ahhh.
There's nothing like 1000 pagans at 8000 feet. (Except, of course -a thousand pagans camping at 8000 feet)
Anyways, the Astounding Persephone is still running the store, so keep ordering, ok? She is also sitting the cats and watching our house. That's why I call her Astounding.
In other news, we tried selling at the Barnhardt Flea Market. :(
Persephone did ok, she sold a bunch of eye pillows and got a lot of lookers; I didn't do so well. I sold one tub of Migraine Miracle. Ah, well. At least there's one happy (migraine free) woman out there tonight.
I'm gone!

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