Monday, August 30, 2004

A small rant

I spoke with my sister today, and mentioned that I have an online store. As in, "Yep, L is going to high school next year. Can you believe how the time flies? I guess I'll have to get a job. Heh. Although, hopefully the store will be making enough money by then... I have a whole year to build it up."
Now, my sister works in the medical field. She's a PA, and she's very well informed about Western medicine. I respect her. A lot. I love listening to her speak about medicine. Sometimes I'll ask her questions just to get her started on a subject. She really knows her shit.
She's not real happy about my store. I think I upset her. Which, of course, upset me.
See, my sister is pretty much against herbal remedies; and I understand why. They're inconsistent, some of them are toxic (hell, most of them are toxic when taken over time, or in large quantities or both) Also, some of them simply don't work. To say nothing about those people who choose to self-diagnose, then self-medicate with herbs. Far better to see a doctor!

The thing is, I agree with her for the most part. If you think something is wrong, see your doctor. That's what he or she is there for. But she doesn't give "alternative medicine" the same credit. Why is it that mothers could give their children chamomile tea for millenia, but now it's wrong because it's herbal? Or why is it that people used comfrey, calendula, or other plants rich in allantoin for millenia, but now it's an evil thing?
I have never said, "Don't see a doctor, use this herb instead."
I have never tried to scare someone into using "alternative medicine".
I've never said doctors are evil, and I've never claimed to be a medical practitioner.
Yet, I mention that I'm selling homemade arthritis cream and suddenly my sister sees me as
You know, I don't know what she sees me as right now. I know she was both angry and dissappointed.
It just upsets me, you know?


Anonymous said...

do you still sell your cream online ?if so where can it be purchased from?

She Dances in Dragon said...

I don't sell it anymore. These high gas prices have made shipping costs higher than the product itself.