Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Warning! Those of you who want to know nothing about the latest HP book, stop reading now!

I have already read the Order of the Phoenix, but I forgot, while re-reading it to my son that he's still a child in a lot of ways. I foolishly assumed that since he's worked his way through most of Lemmony Snicket's "A series of unfortunate events" books about the Baudelier children, that he would somehow be ok with what happens in the fifth Harry Potter book.

Ms. Rowling said ages ago that a major character dies in this book. I chose to read it the first time through as though I didn't know this. I figured that way I wouldn't be itching to skip to the end to find out who dies. It worked out pretty well for me, and my gods! Those final 5 chapters were interesting.

Now here's my rant:
J.K. Rowling made my little boy cry. :(
You see, there's a tiny part of my son that still believes in Santa Claus. There's a tiny part of him that believes Hogwarts exists out there somewhere, maybe not in this universe, but somewhere Harry Potter lives and breathes and fights Voldemort. When this "major character" meets it's end, I had to stop reading. I had looked up from the book, and seen the look on L's face, and choked up. He was furious and mystified and hurt. He said, "That's not right. (the person) didn't really die... did (they)?" And I just nodded my head slowly, with tears filling my eyes. He went into his room and locked the door and cried. For about 45 minutes. He came out when I got home from Taco Bell (his favorite food), and gave me several ways that she could bring this character back.
He asked me if I had cried when I read that part, and I lied and said, "yes." I actually didn't cry 'til the next chapter, when Harry was dealing (vividly) with his grief. Having had a recent death in my life, it just hurt way to much. I told him that there are other books I've read that touch me, and have me cry. It's a mark of exceptional story telling.

He was smiling again by the time we finished the book, tho. This one ends with some major justices, and it doesn't leave you hanging like the Goblet of Fire did. That was just evil. Remember when "The Empire Strikes Back" came out? It ended with Luke missing a hand -and knowing who his father is, Han encased in carbonite and the rebellion in tatters. Book 4 was like that for me. Cedric is dead, Voldemort has returned, and the Ministry is stolidly ignoring everything... and we have to wait. Sigh.

I can wait for book 6... for a while, anyway. :)

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