Friday, February 27, 2004

Why they're called "Blood Diamonds"

I've heard the phrase "blood diamonds" for as long as I've been a rockhound/amateur jeweler. When I looked into the story behind the name, I was horrified. I started a campaign (that continues to this day) to educate all and sundry. I'd like to see colored gems in engagement rings. First of all, they're pretty. Secondly, there's a greater selection. Third, it would put an end to THIS.

Thank you, Alien Nation, for giving me more fuel for my fire. I've been so wrapped up in the same sex marriage debate, that I'd forgotten my crusade. Thus, with my skin all broken out in goosebumps, I say again: Don't buy diamonds. If you must buy them, make sure you know which country they came from. Buy diamonds that were mined in Canada, America, Russia, even China. Thai diamonds are fine. Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Malaysia -they have their problems, but they don't have the blood of entire villages attached to their gemstones. Please, please, please don't buy blood diamonds.

They rape 3 year olds with their gun barrels, for gods sake. Just so they can keep their countries mineral wealth. Don't buy diamonds.

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