Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Beginning Of The Trip

Me: Get in the box.
Stop fighting me and get in the box.
The box is the only option
Cat: ...
Me: See? That wasn't so hard
Cat: meow?
Me: We're taking a trip to Doggy World (the vet) I know, you would rather be stabbed with needles than visit Doggy World, but you get both! (maniacal laughter)
Cat: meow? ... meow? Meow! MEEEow.
Me: Keep it up and I'll start singing at you.
Cat: ...
meow! meow! meow!
Me: Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again...
Cat: Meow! meowmeowmeoooow!!!
(musical medley of cat noise and badly sung Simon and Garfunkel ensues)

At The Vet's Office

Me: Yay! We've made it to the vet's office and we're both still making noise!
Cat: (as loudly as ever) Meow!
(We go inside)
Cat: ...
Me: Hi. I'm here to have Friday's blood sugar checked. (looks around and counts 6 dogs and two empty seats, both of them are within slobber distance of at least one dog)
Me: (to box of cat) See? I told you we were going to Doggy World.
Cat: ...

In The Little Room

Me: You can come out now
Cat: ...
Vet: Good afternoon, how is Friday doing today?
Me: She's going to hiss at you.
Cat: hiss
hiss again just in case you didn't hear me the first time
Me: Also, you might need another pair of hands to pin her when you draw her blood.
Vet: Oh boy.
Me: She's not, like, vicious or anything... But she scratched Dr. Zeis last time and she never does that.
Except for shoes. She doesn't like shoes.
Vet: Ok. (closes door of cat carrier) We'll just take her back and check her sugar. (Vet looks at cat) I remember you.
Me: Yeah, she's the spawn of satan.

Behind The Scenes

grrrowl hiss hiss mrrrrr!
MrrrROW!!!! (cat scream that I can't phonetically reproduce)
Dr. Zeis: (just back from lunch) Who's putting on the show back there?
At least three people: Friday. (laughter)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Minecraft: It Steals Your Soul

... Or at least all the males in the house. My husband is happily using a cube of gravel to dig at cubes of dirt. This actually makes sense if you've spent more than 3 minutes 'playing' Minecraft.
My son is alternating between crafting in Minecraft and crafting strange weapons in Dead Rising 2.
I blog.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Don't you get it yet? I'm giving the land of milk and honey to YOU, not to your descendants!"

Really. My son comes up with the best stuff.
If you don't get it, that's what God ought to say to his people in the old testament.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time to stab the cat...

With her second daily dose of insulin.
Is it worth $115 every other month to keep my 10 yr old cat from peeing blood and helping her be bouncy and playful?
As long as we can afford it, yes!
(The bloody urine is 'likely' a sign of infection that's caused by high blood sugar -says the Vet)
Curious things about kitty diabetes:
Sometimes, it's temporary.
The vet said there is no "type 2 diabetes" with cats. (type 2 is when your pancreas is making plenty of insulin, but your insulin receptors look at it and yawn because they're tired of seeing all that insulin everywhere)
Cats *can* become resistant to the insulin you give them. The fix? Switch to a different kind of insulin.
Cat insulin is NOT for PEOPLE. Don't be stupid.
You can get needles in a nifty case that holds 10 packs of 10 needles that doubles as a sharps box!
I make om nom nom noises when I feed the needles into the sharps box.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spend a few years avoiding the internet and look what happens...

Yeah. Google went and made me able to BLOG FROM MY LOG IN PAGE!! I shall now be able to assault my 2 readers with random crap whenever I want. Like tweeting, only with no character limits!

With that, I give you:
My eldest cat has diabetes. We inject her with insulin twice a day. Last night I roasted a beef. It was really really good. I caramelized some onions to cover the roast with and it caused the Boy to crave White Castle burgers. The Boy is in college. I recently got a Sansa Fuze mp3 player. It has a radio. I'm listening to NPR.