Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My firstborn son is 18 years and half a day old now. He's officially old enough to go looking for his birth mom (me).
I don't really know what to say about it.
I spent 18 years wondering what this day would be like. It was pretty much like any other day, except late last night I suddenly started crying like crazy. I wasn't sad, or happy. I was just emotionally overwhelmed.

The hubby man held me and the friends I've made in second life gave me good advice like, "Wish him a happy birthday" and "Be happy that he made it to adulthood"

I'm blessed to know so many wise and caring people.


Anonymous said...


Definitely wish him a Happy Birthday. Wow.

Have you been in contact with his parents lately? I know they used to send you photos, but you haven't mentioned it in a long time, I imagine they might have tapered off.

It seems like just yesterday in ways, doesn't it? 18 years. Amazing.

I miss you.

She Dances in Dragon said...

I miss you too. I haven't heard from his parents for a couple of years. And yeah, it *does* seem like just yesterday. :)
I don't know if or when he'll come looking for me. If he does, i hope I have advance warning so I can scrub the house with a toothbrush from top to bottom. Heh.

Shannon Des Roches Rosa said...

Hi Sharon,

I am a friend of Chasmyn's (not that she sent me here). I have always loved your writing and actually came this way to see if I could get you to donate a story to my book/blog project, www.canisitwithyou.org. We just published a book of our collected stories and hope to publish another next year. And I was looking for your contact info.

But then, BLAM!, this entry. My birth son is going to be eighteen in June. I don't have any contact with him, but I just found him on Facebook and it is fucking freaky to think that I could poke him or friend him with one mouse click when as far as I know he doesn't know I exist. You are the first person I've told. Now I'm going to go barf.

Good luck.