Thursday, July 29, 2004

Stupid State Legislature

In 4 days, Missourians will be asked to ammend the state constitution twice. Once to put gambling boats on the White River, and once to define marriage. We've heard all about the gambling boat proposal. I get large glossy ads in support of it every few days. (those ads piss me off because I can't recycle them)

Yet, there's been nary a word on ammendment 2. I thought they must have decided to put the vote for it in November, instead of August. I figured someone would be saying something about defining marriage. To be fair, I haven't watched much news lately; so maybe I've missed something being said. So anyway, here we are... 4 days away from a stealthy little change in our constitution as if Missouri doesn't already have a restrictive piece of legislature defining marriage. Ah, but you see, a change in the constitution would keep the courts from deciding that marriage can mean a union between two persons, regardless of sex.

Back in the late 1950's I'm sure it was comfortable to keep people of different (apparant) ethnicities separate (but equal!)
That didn't make it right. If it weren't the Supreme Court, racial bigotry would still be legal. Thank gods the Supreme Court justices were able to look beyond their discomfort at the idea of equal rights for all. Can we, as voters do any less? (well, yes -and we probably will) Just... please... think before you vote. Take you gut reaction, thank it for giving you fearful input, and then listen to your brain. Thanks to the Defense of Marriage initiative, same sex marriage is illegal in Missouri. We do not need to change our constitution to reinforce that.
Vote no on Ammendment 2


Anonymous said...

I am looking to purchase some blood diamonds. Someone told me you know where I can get them in the US for cheap. If this is not a rumor hit me back soon as I need an engagement ring fast.

She Dances in Dragon said...

fuck you